In a message dated 3/29/2007 2:11:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Questions & Answers

Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's  appearance?
A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a  World 
Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to precise  
dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed for  
dates written in stone. This is assuredly not the case. The Masters  
predict certain happenings to take place around a certain time but  
They know that humanity has freewill and therefore has an enormous  
influence on the precise timing of a given event. The Masters work in  
2,000 year cycles, so for Them really precise timing is not a major  
consideration. No one knows the exact date on which Maitreya will 
take  up His open work but everyone can understand that it is very, 
very soon.  
Since Maitreya will not at first reveal His name and status the onus  
is on each one of us to recognize Him by what He says and does. In  
this way people will be recognizing the expression of their 
aspiration  for the future of humanity, rather than simply 
following `The  Teacher'.

Q. Is it still expected there will be a worldwide  stock-market crash 
before Maitreya's public emergence? 
A. No, not  necessarily, but the economic movement of the world is 
towards such a  slump, which would probably increase once Maitreya 
starts His public work.  

Q. (1) Does the US administration truly believe that Iran is trying  
to build a nuclear weapon or do they just want to remove the Iranian  
president from power? 
(2) Does the hypocrisy of trying to pressure  other nations into not 
creating their own atomic weapons programme, while  America has a 
large nuclear arsenal, not occur to those in power in the US  
A. (1) Yes, I believe they do. (2) Presumably  not!

Q. The US-backed Iraqi cabinet have approved a new oil law that is  
set to give foreign companies the long-term contracts and safe legal  
framework they have been waiting for, but which has rattled labour  
unions and international campaigners, who say oil production should  
remain in the hands of Iraqis. This means that Iraqi oil is up for  
grabs – and Iraq is now forced to consider all tenders. 
(1) Was Iraq  pressured into agreeing to this bill? (2) If there was 
such pressure was  it exerted by the USA to benefit its own oil 
companies? (3) Were other  countries also involved? 
(1) Yes. (2) Yes. (3) No.

Q. If a new  Messiah comes does this mean that the end of the world is 
A.  Maitreya is here, as the World Teacher. Is this the end? On the 
contrary –  this is the beginning of a new time for humanity. But a 
humanity chastened  and relieved of its illusions and destructiveness. 
For two thousand years,  the Christian groups have taught this account 
of the return of the Christ,  coming on a cloud in the last days of 
the world, the `end days'. This, I  submit, is a completely wrong 
interpretation of Christian scriptures which  has distorted 
Christians' expectations of the Christ's return. The  so-called `end 
times' are to do not with the end of the world but with the  end of 
the Age of Pisces, inaugurated by the Christ through Jesus 2,000  
years ago. He promised to return, at "such a time as you think not" –  
to inaugurate the new age, that of Aquarius. This time He has come  
Himself to expand the teaching given through Jesus and to prepare the  
world for the Aquarian experience. 
What we have to look forward to is  not the end of the world, which 
will not take place for millions of years  ahead, but for the creation 
of a new civilisation based on higher and  truer spiritual values than 
were possible for humanity at the time of  Jesus. Jesus Himself, now a 
Master, works with the Christ on a daily basis  and will reform the 
Christian churches and teaching, as His part in the  Great Plan. 

Q. We are asked, quite rightly, to tell as many people as  we can 
about the emergence of Maitreya. Do we refer to him as Maitreya, or  
the `World Teacher' or do we announce him as the `Christ'? It seems  
vital that those carrying out this task are `on the ball' as it were,  
so that the knowledge given is accurately received and people know 
who  we are actually talking about. 
A. Maitreya is not concerned about which  name you use to refer to 
Him. He Himself wishes to be known simply as the  Teacher. But He is 
awaited by all religious groups as: the Christ by  Christians, the 
Imam Mahdi by Muslims, by Jews as the Messiah, as Krishna  by Hindus 
and as Maitreya Buddha by Buddhist. When speaking to these  groups it 
makes sense to use the terms they understand. They all refer to  the 
World Teacher for one humanity. 

Q. There seems, from all  Internet and general media reports, to be a 
lot of UFO activity over Latin  American countries. Why is there so 
much UFO activity there?
A.  Actually it is not confined to Latin America. There is an increase 
in UFO  activity in many parts of the world. This will continue on an 
increasing  scale up to and beyond the Emergence of Maitreya into the 

Q.  I keep hearing recently about `citizen journalism' 
or `participatory  journalism' which seems to be about using the 
Internet, blogging and  mobile phones to record events. Do you think 
this is a significant  development with regard to `people power'? Is 
it a vote of no confidence  in mainstream media? Is it the basis for a 
network of activists? 
A. At  the moment it is only an expression of general participation in 
the  growing communication technology. Eventually it will be a very 
useful way  for people to co-operate and act together in a 
demonstration of `people  power'.

Q. One of the most surprising facts I've learned from reading  Share 
International is that Maitreya and the Masters seem to have a  
wonderful sense of humour. This makes Them more real and closer,  
somehow. I hope it is not disrespectful or offensive to say that some  
of the miracles are very amusing, like gems popping out from under  
someone's big toe.
A. I quite agree. When people come to know the  Masters more closely 
they will recognize that They are filled with the joy  of life and 
have an extraordinary and quick sense of humour. The  inventiveness of 
their imagination is one of the outstanding qualities of  their 

for more information, please see: _http://www.shareinthttp:_ 

Jai  Guru Dev


> You may want to read some of the information on Lord Ashtar as well.  
Sister Tuella wrote a book called
Project: World Evacuation. When I asked archangel Ariel who resides in the  
upper seventh dimension if
Matreiya is a world savior or Avatar his reply was " He is more like a  world 
manipulator". I will be asking
Saint Anthony soon who also is from the seventh dimension about Matreiya. I  
will post the information when
it becomes available. Also, coming soon on my website will be question and  
answer forum. Jai Guru Dev

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