--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "george_deforest" 
> Hog Confinements by Vedic City
> A permit is being issued for a Matrix ( large ) Hog confinement on 
> farm neighboring Mother Divine in Vedic City.  Others are 
> for the borders of Vedic City and Jefferson County. Farms have been
> purchased for this specific reason. The most important thing at this
> time is that we show up and express concern. Now is the final hour -
> or our environment will be inundated with hog sewage and toxic 
> We have hired lobbyists, written legislation to protect Vedic city 
> 2 miles, but people have not shown up to express their objections.
> Please come to this meeting Friday, 3-4 at the FF Public Library.
> Another email will be sent to you regarding emailing senators and
> legislators as we try to get our protection bill through which
> involves the entire state of Iowa.
> Thank you,
> David Sands <dsandsmd @ msn.com>


The TMO should just buy up the land around the MD and Pundit sites in 
VC -- land is only about a thousand an acre in Iowa, so it shouldn't 
cost more than several million -- even if they had to pay a premium 
to encourage hog lotters to build elsewhere -- to buy a couple miles 
of buffer around the properties (lots probably stink for what, 5 
miles (?), but a couple miles would certainly mitigate a lot of 
excrement-flavored air), and with all the hotels sold recently by the 
TMO, the money is available. The hog industry is just too powerful in 
Iowa, and the only people who really care about the issue are the 
unfortunate folks who live out in the twigs where the lots are built.

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