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 <> Invincible America     

Urgent Need - Just a Few Hundred More Invincible America Assembly

The Invincible America Assembly has drawn thousands of Sidhas from the
United States and many other countries. 

The experiences of bliss and higher states of consciousness in the large
group program have been greater than in any previous assembly. These
experiences have been deeply inspiring to Maharishi, who has brought out
such beautiful knowledge in response. Many course participants have
naturally stayed on the Assembly longer than planned. Many have returned
multiple times.

The size of our group has been close to the national invincibility
threshold - about 1,730 Yogic Flyers - even through the cold winter
months. And even though we have been somewhat shy of the required
number, we have created a dramatic change in our country. The most
recent example: the sudden and unexpected turnaround in U.S. foreign
policy towards Iran, Syria, and North Korea - a dramatic shift away from
confrontation and belligerence towards consensus building and peace. 

Now is the time for us to surpass the threshold - and create stable
national coherence and lasting invincibility for America.

Next week, 133 more Vedic Pandits will arrive from India. If we can
inspire just a few hundred more Sidhas to join the Assembly, we will
reach the 2,000 level - our national super radiance number plus a safety
factor - and we will create a truly Invincible America. 


We can accommodate many more people. More on-campus housing will be
available very soon, a good amount of off-campus housing is available,
and we sare creating additional flying space right next to the Golden

Annapurna Dining Hall is even offering a new improved menu of organic
dishes. And spring weather is here.

Please tell your out-of-town friends to apply and encourage local Yogic
flyers to take advantage of this historic opportunity to enhance the
power of the Assembly. Maharishi is giving so much sustained attention
to this Assembly - and is looking at this as the turning point for our
country and our world.

Let's "make hay while the sun shines."

Jai Guru Dev

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