These kind of elaborations remind me to the predicitions of reincarnation of 
Jesus in order to save the world. They are hardly of any practical use and do 
contain too many aspects, which cannot be proven and do only create a spirit of 
dependence and powerlessness regarding one's own way of unfoldment. So I 
basically agree to the commentator at the end of this endless monolog.

  It seems as if there are also people in this list in order to fill it with 
all kinds of misleading and tedious indoctrinations. This makes it difficult to 
distinguish upright essential and worth-while discussion points against prosy 
watering downs.

  Work of undercover agents in order to thin out the interest of readers ? - 
One of the charming ways to jam spiritual enhancement. We have to be alert !


  > Questions & Answers
  > Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya's appearance?
  > A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a 
  > Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to 
  > dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed 
  > offensive to say that 
  > of the miracles are very amusing, like gems popping out from under 
  > someone's big toe.
  > A. I quite agree. When people come to know the Masters more 
  > they will recognize that They are filled with the joy of life and 
  > have an extraordinary and quick sense of humour. The inventiveness 
  > their imagination is one of the outstanding qualities of their 
  > activity. .... and so on and on

  Lsoma; with all due respect; do you really want us to belive that 
  you are communicating with archangels ? 
  What if you are being manipulated by your own grandiose ego ?

  > For the record. Human beings don't need to wait for anyone form up above to 
save them or teach us how to love one another. You tell me I'm the one who is 
egotistical. Maybe if you stop sucking on the nipple of Benjamin Creame you 
could find out who you really are stop attacking those who disagree with your 
chosen masters of pure love. You love to use the FFL forum to promote your 
masters and then lead people to Benjamin Creams website to recruit them. FFL 
should be a forum for discussion on relevant topics of spirituality. Try to 
think outside of the Maitreya box that he is trying to build around you. If you 
continue to judge me you might want to ask Benjamin Creame about me. Tell him I 
am a volunteer from the fourth level
  of the sixth dimension. Maybe he can open your mind up a bit. If not, I don't 
care about other peoples judgments regarding my spiritual journey. To be frank, 
I'm so tired of so many people following so many teachers and claiming to have 
the Avatar of the century. My message is clear as a teacher: Stop looking for 
someone else to do it for you. You have and always will have the power to 
change any situation that is manifesting in the world or in your personal life. 
Anyone or any organization claiming to have the power to change you without 
having any faith that you can stand on your own feet is taking your 
self-empowerment away from you. There is too much attention these days on who's 
Guru is going to save them and the world.
  I think I've make my point. And this information is from me directly not an 
angel or guide or whatever. And, I never said that I communicate with seven 
dimensional masters or archangels as you call them. Some of the information I 
get is from other individuals who do soul transfrerence readings. They are 
recommended to me highly by close friends. Try to respond to some ot the 
information that I post instead of the need to point the finger at me so 
quickly that your mind remains closed to anyone elses story. Lsoma.


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