TurquoiseB wrote:
> I've been noticing something on the many spiritual
> forums on which I participate during the last few
> days, and it has me curious.
> Is there in your opinion something happening in the
> stars that would be affecting people of a certain
> belief type (but completely different belief systems)
> right now, and causing them to all act similarly?
> Here's what has me curious. On seven different forums
> in the last 2-3 days, at least a dozen people whom
> almost everyone would describe as "True Believers"
> have started freaking out massively. The claimed
> causes of the freakouts are many, but the style of
> the freakouts is the same. There has been a real 
> upsurge of paranoia and the "victim mentality" or
> "persecuted mentality" that many people associate 
> with True Believerism. 
> One one forum, two TBs have started raving about
> people using their posts to track them physically 
> and plot bad things against them. On another a 
> couple of TBs there redoubled their normal claims 
> that everyone on the forum who doesn't believe the 
> same hard-line, fundamentalist interpretation of 
> their belief system that they hold are not only 
> "wrong," but are "attacking" those who hold the 
> "right" belief by holding a "wrong" one. On several 
> other forums there have been claims of "Everyone 
> is against me and trying to disseminate false 
> information about me and it's all because of my
> spiritual beliefs." 
> It's like watching a bloody epidemic.
> I have no idea whether these people share an 
> astrological sign; I seriously doubt that they do.
> But what they all *do* share IN MY OPINION 
> is a strong fundamentalism in their approach to 
> things spiritual, a rigidity in their way of think-
> ing that classes anyone who disagrees with them as
> essentially "wrong," and a proven history of claim-
> ing that they are persecuted because of their beliefs.
> So I'm wondering if Saturn is up Uranus or the Moon
> is in Fresno or something. Have you ever seen something 
> like this before, where people with fundamentalist 
> approaches to spirituality -- but completely different
> "name brands" of fundamentalism -- *all* start acting 
> the same way at the same time?
> Thanks in advance.
> Unc
> P.S. Just to rule out an obvious retort :-), not to
> mention a possible cause, I have not participated in
> any of the discussions I mention above. I've just
> been watching them, and scratching my head in wonder.
Yes I've been noticing this too on other spiritually oriented forums and 
lists.  Some are even astrological lists.  It's as if some global form 
of Videshan has been evoked to create differences between people all 
over the planet (since most of these lists and groups are global).  
Needless to say there is a lot of world tension these days plus a lot 
people who believe in various forms of "end times" be it the apocalypse, 
Mayan calendar or whatever.  That creates a group consciousness ("be 
care for what you wish for as it might manifest").  Astrologically since 
there is no world chart  I can't see it pinning in on anything there.  
I'm sure you will get some replies from astrologers whose reasons may 
hold water about as well as a fishing net.  I believe it all boils down 
to one thing and that is overpopulation.  The current infrastructure 
cannot handle it well and much change needs to be done for the human 
race to continue.  Note that some people believe this has happened 
before though it may not be easy to find the evidence.   For the next 
few years or decades the struggle to survive may predominate.

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