off_world_beings wrote:
> SURVEY - Who has good experiences from TM?
> Please indicate if you have had some good experiences that appeared 
> to come during, or from, the practice of TM that would indicate to 
> you that it is possible to experience a hightened state of 
> consciousness through TM, or convinced you that such a state exists 
> over and above the normal states commonly experienced previous to 
> your practice. 
> Please state your experience in brief in a short paragraph. (We can 
> do a negative experience thing next time, but please stick to 
> positive experiences for the purpose of this survey.) I will post 
> the results in a few days. (if you do not post one, then I will 
> respectfully take your answer to be that you have never experienced 
> anything of that nature described above due to TM.)
> Thanks.   
>  Please post here:
> OffWorld
Sure, I had good experiences from TM.  I began experiencing what MMY 
likes to call CC about a year and a half after starting TM.  But here's 
the catch, I had already been practicing different mantra techniques 
before TM and on my first try at meditating a good 3 1/2 years before TM 
the kudalini rose to the crown chakra.  TM was a stable "official" 
technique I decided to try in 1973.  Of course now I practice advanced 
tantric techniques.  In tantra we don't have "levels."  There is just 
the experience of what would in TM "pure consciousness" which grows in 
intensity with practice.  I think that delineating levels is a problem 
for many TM practitioners and if anything makes people push the carrot 
farther out when they may have already swallowed it.

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