Om, that German Reichstat (parliament) building, which direction did 
those entrances face?  Any on the north or east?  They could close 
some others and improve the vastu of those old buildings?  Or would 
the karmas of the building just be too much anyway. Yes,would be 
better to demolish and build new, in Hanover?

I would suggest they do that by this summer next and then go on to 
Moscow before next winter.  Like, why stop with Europe? Thence the 
Mid-east, Islam, and Asia after that in a swoop. The dark continent 
will fall to light in process then we're talking Global, you know.

-Gov. Doug 

"...for all of Europe – including all 27
countries. Hereby, a new operational structure for the Global Country
of World Peace has been put in place, with Hanover as the main office
for Germany as well as for Europe,"

--- In, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> Isn't this the third time in the last hundred years this has 
> happened?  "the Raja of Germany, has now been given the
> responsibility by Maharishi-ji for all of Europe – including all 27
> countries. Hereby, a new operational structure for the Global 
> of World Peace has been put in place, with Hanover as the main 
> for Germany as well as for Europe,"
> --- In, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > FW:3.04.2007
> > Dear Friends,
> >  Liebe Freunde,
> > 
> > wer heute, am Dienstagabend, nicht am großen Center-Rundruf 
> > angeschlossen war, der freut sich vielleicht über diese kurze 
> > Zusammenfassung.
> > 
> > Dear Friends,
> > 
> > Those of you who weren't connected to the center broadcast today, 
> > Tuesday evening, will perhaps be happy to read this short summary.
> > 
> > 
> > Raja Emanuel, der Raja von Deutschland, hat von Maharishi 
> inzwischen 
> > die Verantwortung für ganz Europa übertragen bekommen - mit allen 
> 27 
> > Ländern. Dafür wird jetzt eine neue Struktur des Handelns für das 
> > Globale Land des Weltfriedens aufgebaut, mit Hannover als 
> > für Deutschland und für Europa, sowie einer Repräsentanz in jedem 
> der 
> > 16 deutschen Bundesländer mit je vier Gouverneuren (z.B. zwei 
> > Ehepaare). Es werden dazu freiwillige Vollzeit-Gouverneure 
> > die sich sofort bei Raja Emanuel melden sollten. Am Dienstagabend 
> > gaben als erste spontan ihre Zusage: Wolfgang Gied, Achim 
> > Kurt Wiennekemeyer, Stefan Clausner, Klaus Weber, Hans-Jörg 
> > und Lothar Lontke. Diese neue Ram-Raj-Regierungsmannschaft aus 
> > Sidhasund Gouverneuren wird von Hannover aus sowohl für 
> > als auch für die 27 Länder Europas Sorge tragen; sie steht unter 
> der 
> > täglichen Leitung von Maharishi.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Raja Emanuel, who is the Raja of Germany, has now been given the  
> > responsibility by Maharishi-ji  for all of Europe – including all 
> 27 
> > countries. Hereby, a new operational structure for the Global 
> Country 
> > of World Peace has been put in place, with Hanover as the main 
> office 
> > for Germany as well as for Europe, also a representative office 
> > been established in each of the 16 German Federal states with 
> > Governors administering each office (e.g. two married couples). 
> > Hence, we are looking for full-time Governors to fill the 
> positions. 
> > Interested parties should immediately contact Raja Emanuel. On 
> > Tuesday evening Wolfgang Gied, Achim Parchow, Kurt Wiennekemeyer, 
> > Stefan Clausner, Klaus Weber, Hans Jörg Pälzer and Lothar Lontke 
> were 
> > the first to spontaneously make their commitment. This new Ram 
> > Governmental body of Sidhas and Governors operating from Hanover 
> will 
> > provide services for both Germany and for all the 27 countries of 
> > Europe; it is under the direct and daily guidance of Maharishi-ji.
> > 
> > 
> > 2. Maharishi hat soeben vier globale Finanzzentren gegründet (in 
> > Hannover, New York, Schanghai und Moskau), welche das 6-Punkte-
> > Programm (s.u.) finanzieren werden. In Deutschland wird nun die 
> Raam-
> > Bank gegründet, um unsere Projekte zu fördern. Die neue 
> Währung "Raam-
> > Europe" ist seit dem 15.3.2007 in Deutschland als gesetzliches 
> > Zahlungsmittel (neben dem Euro) zugelassen; ebenso in Norwegen, 
> > Schweden, Finnland, Irland und in Estland; in den anderen Ländern 
> der 
> > Eurozone ist sie gerade in Vorbereitung.
> > 
> > 2. Maharishi-ji just created four global financial centers: 
> Hanover, 
> > New York, Shanghai and Moscow, which will receive the financiers 
> > Point-Program (see below). The Raam Bank has been established in 
> > Germany in order to promote our projects. The new currency " Raam 
> > Europe" was certified in Germany on 15 March 2007 as legal tender 
> > (alongside the euro); likewise the Raam Europe has recently been 
> > certified in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland and in Estonia; and 
> in 
> > the other countries of the Eurozone it is in process.
> > 
> > 3. Jetzt ist die Zeit zum Handeln. Das gesamte Potenzial unserer 
> > Bewegung wird nun mobilisiert. Maharishi: "Es ist keine Minute zu 
> > verlieren. Ram Raj, die Herrschaft des Naturgesetzes, muss jetzt 
> von 
> > uns etabliert werden." Wir sollen "alles liegen lassen, was 
> > nicht funktioniert hat und alles auf eine Karte setzen".
> > 
> > 3. Now is the time for action. The entire potential of our 
> > has now been mobilized. Maharishi: " There is not one minute to 
> > lost. Ram Raj, the rule of Natural Law, must now be established 
> > Germany." We should stop all projects that have not really worked 
> and 
> > focus only on this.
> > 
> > ("Alles auf eine Karte setzen" is a funny German expression 
> > for "focus on one approach only", which is the 6 point program 
> > Ram Raj for Europe and the world.)
> > 
> > Es ist kräftig Bewegung in unserer Bewegung. Eine gute Zeit zum 
> > Mitmachen. Herzliche Grüße aus Vlodrop (heute am 36. Jubiläum 
> meiner 
> > TM-Einführung) von eurem
> > Claus
> > Jai Guru Dev
> > 
> > Das große 6-Punkte-Programm - eine etwas ausführlichere 
> > liegt als Worddokument bei:
> > 
> > There is a powerful momentum building in our movement. It's a 
> > time to join in. Cordial greetings from Vlodrop (today is the 
> > anniversary of my TM introduction) 
> > 
> > from your Claus
> > Jai guru Dev
> > 
> > The large 6-Point-Program - a representation somewhat in more 
> detail 
> > is attached in the form of a Word document:
> > 
> > 1 Crown every nation with invincibility by creating coherent 
> > collective consciousness in every country 
> > 
> > 2 Reconstruct homes, offices, and government buildings worldwide 
> > promote health, peace, and prosperity for everyone 
> > 
> > 3 Promote a new, healthy system of health care by establishing 
> > new "high class" medical colleges and new facilities to produce 
> > healthy medicines in every country 
> > 
> > 4 Establish new universities, colleges and schools to develop the 
> > total brain potential and promote enlightenment in every student 
> > 
> > 5 Promote organic agriculture to produce healthy food for the 
> > population 
> > 
> > 6 Eliminate poverty and raise the standard of living of the poor 
> > through proper education, housing, clothing, and healthy food 
> > 
> > Global Financial Capital
> > of New York 
> > 
> > 
> > organization, announces
> > that it is necessary to fulfill the following programs as soon as 
> > possible in favor of life on earth:
> >  
> > 1. Crowning the Nation with Invincibility
> > 2. Reconstruction of the World
> > 3. Creating high level Medical Colleges in Every Country
> > 4. Establishing new Universities, Colleges and Schools in Every 
> > Country
> > 5. Producing Healthy Food through Promotion of Organic 
> in 
> > Every Country
> > 6. Eliminating poverty in the world.
> > 
> > 
> > Project number 1:
> > The sovereignty of any nation is meaningless without 
> > The freedom of any nation is always under fear without 
> invincibility.
> > Therefore, invincibility is most essential for the sovereignty 
> > freedom of any nation.
> > If the national consciousness of any country is not coherent, 
> > conflicting tendencies prevail.
> > Therefore, invincibility is vitally important for every nation to 
> > breathe life in freedom and peace, prosperity, and happiness.
> > 
> > Project number 2:
> > People do not know that a great deal of suffering, anxiety, 
> sickness, 
> > and negativity prevails amongst members of families due to the 
> wrong 
> > orientation of their house. Therefore, the program to reconstruct 
> the 
> > homes and working places of all the people of the world is very 
> > necessary for the peace and happiness of every family. For the 
> > reason government buildings have also to be rebuilt in every 
> country.
> > (See "appendix A" for auspicious and inauspicious orientation and 
> > placement of buildings.)
> > 
> > Project number 3:
> > The prevailing system of health care in every country is 
> > inadequate to prevent disease, and even to cure disease. Modern 
> > medicine is famous for its poisonous side effects. Therefore, it 
> > vital that a new and healthy system of health care is promoted. 
> > this it is vitally necessary that we undertake to establish high 
> > class medical colleges and production facilities for healthy 
> > medicines in every country.
> > 
> > Project number 4:
> > The modern system of education, like modern medicine, has been 
> > recognized to be inadequate because it does not create an 
> enlightened 
> > individual and this is a loss to life everywhere.
> > Being in possession of this total knowledge of the UNIFIED FIELD 
> > NATURAL LAW, we are inspired to open new fields in education 
> through 
> > new universities, colleges and schools that will provide Total 
> > Knowledge of Natural Law to every student and develop full 
> > enlightenment in every growing generation in every country, so 
> > the power of Total Knowledge will allow everyone to know 
> everything, 
> > do everything, and achieve anything that he would like.
> > Fortunately, now we are in possession of the knowledge of Total 
> > Natural Law in the unified field, which has been discovered at 
> > basis of physiology through modern scientific research.
> > 
> > Project number 5:
> > The value of organic agriculture has been realized worldwide and 
> > has been recognized that non-organic food is poison. Instead of 
> > nourishing life, it damages life, so it is very vital that all 
> > efforts are made to stop non-organic agriculture and promote 
> organic 
> > agriculture in favor of healthy life in our world.
> > 
> > Project number 6:
> > Removal of poverty is a project that is promoted by our deepest 
> > sentiment of life—that the nature of life is bliss; but our 
> in 
> > front of us are exposed to scarcity and suffering. It puts us to 
> pain 
> > and shame that half of our dear world family is living in dire 
> > poverty. Therefore we are, on our own level, and even from the 
> level 
> > of existing wealth in the world, inspired to make efforts to 
> > eliminate poverty and raise the standard of living of poor 
> > in our world. The path to be adopted is to give to the poor 
> education 
> > and training about the nature of life, and not to give 
> them "minimum 
> > wages" but fairly good level of wages, so that they can live in 
> > proper homes, have proper clothing and healthy food, and 
> > means for the education of their children (at least corresponding 
> to 
> > the middle income bracket).
> > For this we have planned to employ the poor and give them the 
> skills 
> > of starting organic agriculture in their
> > own country. There are more than 40 million hectares of unused, 
> > fertile, agricultural land in the world. 
> > This gift of God is available on Earth, and by making use of it 
> > can eliminate poverty in our world.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >   More than 600 scientific research studies on Maharishi's 
> > Transcendental Meditation and its Advanced Techniques, including 
> > Yogic Flying, have been conducted over the last 35 years at over 
> 250 
> > independent universities and research institutions in 33 
> > and recorded in seven volumes of scientific research of over 
> > pages. This research has demonstrated profound benefits in all 
> fields 
> > of life and all the channels through which we have been serving 
> > society in past years—health, education, defence, business and 
> > industry, criminal rehabilitation and crime reduction, in the 
> > direction of world peace.    
> > 
> >       
> >     
> > 
> >   All this is going to be the scientific basis of the program to 
> > crown the nation with invincibility in the year 2007.    
> > 
> >       
> >     
> > 
> >   Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation 
> > its Advanced Techniques—5,000 Pages and its Advanced Techniques—
> 5,000 
> > pages 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> > 
> > BUDGET: First phase of the worldwide project is estimated to cost 
> two 
> > billion US dollars. 
> > 
> > ____________________________ 
> > 
> > 
> > Fulfillment of this project will be a joy to every man of good 
> > and competence, and will open for mankind a new fortune of peace, 
> > prosperity and happiness, and all good to everyone in the light 
> > God.
> >  
> > We expect everyone to enjoy the news and appreciate the program.
> >  
> > Global Financial Capital of New York,
> > 70 Broad Street, New York, NY
> >

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