> > > > FFL has been awfully quiet in regards to Don Imus 
> > > > and the nappy headed  Ho's. I just saw where MSNBC 
> > > > has dropped his show. Any comments?
> > >
> > Alex Stanley wrote: 
> > > I believe I speak for everyone on FFL in saying that 
> > > we've all been preoccupied with a far more important 
> > > story than some dumbass conservative shock-jock 
> > > overstepping the bounds of common decency: the
> > > paternity of Anna Nicole's baby.
> > >
> > Speaking of Anna Nicole's baby, I heard on the radio 
> > that she had ten prescription medications, all from 
> > the same doctor, and most of them were in Howard K. 
> > Stern's name. So, I began to wonder - here's Nicole 
> > with a lawyer at her side, a maid or two, a nurse, 
> > and the whole staff of a motel, at her every beck 
> > and call. 
> > 
> > Now wouldn't at least one of these individuals 
> > stand up and say - ENOUGH. You're going to rehab! 
> > 
> > Now Howard is deep trouble over this, and now he's 
> > not even the father of the baby anymore. Nicole and 
> > her son are dead, and that's a fact, but I think 
> > they should bury Mrs. Marshall in Texas where she 
> > was born and raised, not on some island somewhere. 
> > 
> > That's what I think.
> > 
> > And maybe Stern should get a day job now and leave 
> > Larry Birkhead alone to raise his own daughter.
> >
geezerfreak wrote:
> So it's all about Anna Nicole??
No, now it's all about a geezer freak.

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