>From a friend:

many of you don't know your birth times and have not been able to  
locate them. i have told a lot of you about a man in india named ygoi  
karve who can tell a person their correct birth time to the minute.  
he has a yogic technique using a mantra that gives him this  
knowledge.  i have had opportunities over the years to test him, not  
extensively but sufficiently enough to trust him, and he has proven  
accurate every time.  he is coming to pennsylvania in may and will be  
available for consultations.  you can find information about his  
visit at


he will be visiting the gurukulam there as a part of a course in  
astrology that is being offered with k.s.charak, a teacher from  
india. charak has written many books on astrology but i have not read  
them nor have i studied with him so i cannot say how good the course  
is.  there are westerners teaching at this course and another indian  
who is a student of charak's.  yogi karve is there for that same time  
and offering consultations.

details of the course can be downloaded here


this is a pdf file and you will need adobe acrobat to open it.

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