See?  Vaj, you've just done to us what all the experts I've ever gone
to have done to us -- testify in such a moving, sincere, completely
forthright way.

Everyone I ever went to was recommended to me as you have done for
your guy.

Yet, here's the strange part, I now want to see your guy too!

I'm a lost soul, right?


> On Apr 13, 2007, at 12:21 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > Knowing your birth time will give you the proper ascendant for your
> > horoscope. An improper birth time can give you a horoscope that is
> > completely off and does not fit at all. No, you don't wander around
> > worrying about what you are doing is correct with your horoscope. But
> > it can provide some useful insight into career paths, marriage and
> > particularly how long some bad period you are going through is  
> > going to
> > last (hint: they don't last forever).
> >
> > Karve does an amazing job of constructing a horoscope in his head.  
> > Most
> > cases he has been on but in some a bit off.
> I had my chart done by Yogi Karve years ago. He had absolutely no  
> knowledge of my birth time or date but not only accurately gave the  
> year, month, day and rectified time (five minutes different from my  
> birth cert.) but he also gave the exact positions of all my sidereal  
> planets, all by slipping into samadhi for brief periods.
> Then after this, he gave an overview of my whole life in shocking,  
> really *breathtaking*, details. It literally took my breath away.  
> Then he continued into previous existences. When he completed he  
> initiated me into the mantra for a universal form of deity that would  
> give this same siddhi if practiced.
> One type of person this type of reading will help is someone who does  
> not know their birth time at all or questions the accuracy of their  
> birth certificate. It is also helpful for having very accurate dashas  
> and bhuktis. I am now able to accurately use my jyotish chart like a  
> weather forecast.
> He is one of the finest saints I've had the privilege of meeting. A  
> gentle man. His pure knowledge seems to come from some all-knowing,  
> compassionate source.
> MMY called him a Sat Purusha.

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