> In a message dated 4/14/07 2:17:04 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> My take  on his 
> > comments was that he was actually paying them a  complement,
> > Ghetto style, and it backfired. Tattooed, nappy headed,  ho's
> > sounds like a tuff bunch of girls, playing a tuff  game.
> Oh, please. "Hos" isn't a compliment, even  ghetto-style.
> Oh, but even the most outrageous words can be complements or terms of  
> endearment when spoken in the proper tone, in the proper context, in
the  black 
> ghetto. You might let some of the older black comedians explain that
to  you.

I have seen "ho" used in various contexts that seem to have a
"positive" slant. In my view, it tends to mean something towards
"dedicated". Like Imus calling his wife a "green ho" -- she is
fanatatic about environmentally safe cleaning and household projects.
She will give up social politeness and get in your face about it. 

It would seem to me, a traditional ho, is one who is dedicated to
money and will trade something precious in their life for it. An
environmental ho, or a political ho, corporate ho, will trade
something precious in their lives -- time, energy, spirit, soul -- for
something: environmental progress, political change, or corporate
ascent, respectively. 

In this context, Curtis is a Blues ho. Or perhaps a "Blues John" --
under the sway of the Blues Temptress Ho Godess. Or perhaps ho
captures that "dominated" flavor. A ho gives up some control to their
client. The Blues "has its way" with Curtis when ever it wants, but
leaves a fifty dollar bill of soulful renewal on the nightstand.  

Perhaps Judy is a word ho. Bevan is a MMY/TMO ho. Rory is a mystical
insight ho. Barry is an irony ho. I am an analytical ho of sorts. 
Of course, maybe I am over-thinking this. :)

Remember all that is holy is half ho. 

In fact, perhaps its all ho. Ho ly is the adjective describing the
state of "ho ness". So what does that make "wholeness"? 

And if someone who is "gung ho" simply enthusiastically displaying
their ho ness?

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