From: Michael McBurnie < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:10:33 -0400


Don't let legislators go home without resolving the CAFO issue. That
is our last battle cry! One last call and e-mail. I know many of you
have done this already. Please do it again. All of the below should be
contacted You can cut and paste the message below and put in an
e-mail. Please take 2 minutes to do this.
We have another full page ad in the Des Moines Register tomorrow
calling on the Governor and the democratic leadership to step in and
get a bill passed.

Call and e-mail the Governor and Democratic Leaders today and say the
"You ran on supporting local control for CAFOs. Your Democratic
Platform promises to address local control, repealing the tax
abatement, supporting a moratorium on new CAFOs. You now have
majorities in both houses and the Governorship. If you do not act now,
when will you act?

Will you stand by your promise to protect the heath and property of
people who voted you into office? Or will you vote with the CAFO lobby
? Do not go home without addressing the CAFO issue. Pass HF 873!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 515-281-5211 or 515-281-0182
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 515-281-3221
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 515-281-3371

And for Jefferson County (These two have been doing a great job.  Send
your support.):  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 515-281-3221
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 515-281-3371
Yours truly,
Michael McBurnie
CleanupIowa .org

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