Checklist of "Enlightenment Games"

"We are all enlightened, but I am slightly more enlightened" doncha know

 LUCKNOW DISEASE - linguistic malady befalling seekers at Papaji's
 [Harilal Poonja, 1910-97, of Lucknow, India]. Characterized by never
 using the word "I" to encourage one's self and also to show others
 that there is no one [no reified ego] at home here. Instead, they
 would say things like "This form is going to the rest room."

 ADVAITA SHUFFLE - Conversational gambit. What [Papaji disciple]
 Andrew Cohen accused [another Papaji disciple] Gangaji of doing when
 she didn't want to talk about ethics and enlightenment. Jumping to
 the absolute level at odd times. Like when the receptionist asks why
 you were late for your doctor's appointment. "There's no one here to
 go anywhere or be late for anything."

 LANDING - Losing one's enlightenment. What Gangaji accused Andrew
 Cohen of having done. Term used by those who think of enlightenment
 as a kind of thing that can be lost. Something like claiming
 enlightenment and then getting peevish and petty over who pays the
 tip at the dinner.

 NONDUAL POLICE - Those who badger others to use nondual terminology.
 Whenever they hear someone saying something like "I'm going out for
 coffee," they barge in: "WHO is going out for coffee??" Nondual
 police want everyone to always be in constant Ramana-self-inquiry-

 THE EYE THING - Keeping eye contact with the other person as long as
 possible. Whoever drops their gaze first is not as established in the
 Beloved. Some blinking is OK, but not too much. The deeper into the
 Self you are, the longer you can hold it. Used by many satsang
 teachers. One of my friends can out-stare anyone. He kinds of drops
 into a Candidiasis-mind-fog, and hours can go by.

 THE ABIDING FORMULA - The injunction to answer all questions
 with "Don't go into your STORY, just abide in the SELF." Any question
 that can't be simply answered with this formula is dismissed as
 intellectual mind stuff or mere involvement in one's personal story
 (MAYA). Everything is very simple, and if you don't think so, you are
 just caught up in the mind!

 THE SILENCE COMPETITION - Contest to see who can stay silent longer
 than the other. The person who speaks first still has a personal
 story they are caught up in, and are therefore no longer abiding in
 the Self.

 THE VULCAN COMPLEX - The importance of keeping your voice tone very
 soft and even. Never show emotion or passion. Whoever shows a trace
 of care or concern for anything is still attached and caught up in
 more personal Story.

 THE PAPAJI PEDESTAL - It is admitted that all beings are in reality
 the Self, and not their personal identity. On the level of the Self,
 we are all the same and all equal. The Self is not thought to have
 any unique qualities differing from one person to the other. The
 particular body and personality of the individual is considered
 incidental. Paradoxically, the bodymind individual of Papaji is very
 special and worthy of great admiration and devotion (but just don't
 call it devotion). As George Orwell said, "We are all equal, but some
 are more equal than others."

 RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT - This is the contradiction of advising that we
 don't need to have a teacher and we don't need to come to Satsang
 ["assembly in Truth," "holy company," etc.]. All we need is to stop
 everything and just remain in Silence and Abide in the Self. There is
 nothing to "get" at Satsang. At the same time one is encouraged to
 [financially, emotionally] support the teacher and the Satsang.

 DISAPPEARING PERSONALITY TRICK - Now you see it, now you don't. This
 is the amazing ability of the Advaitin to have their personality
 absorbed in the Self at any convenient moment. When this occurs, they
 remain aloof and impersonal. Don't invite them to dinner when this is
 occurring. And definitely don't ask them anything personal. "Who is


The Finger Pointing to Finger Thingy:

All concepts are BS, except this one, and
others I'll use, ad nauseam, in its support.

The No can Do Thingy.

There is no thing you can do to get enlightened,
except, of course, read my posts telling you to stop,
which is in no way, a doing, I do declare.

The I Don't Exist, You Don't Exist Thingy:

No thing exist, but.... I'll will, always, be here telling
you this, whenever you post.

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