I think you took my critique way too harshly.  My first sentence should 
have given away it was a humorous jibe.  I know myself if I have had a 3 
shot Americano I can write more in an email than anyone really wants to 
read.  You're lucky, these days I only do decaf.   Did you also notice 
that I supported your premise?  Or did you just stop at the critique 
which was also intended to be an inquiry into why TM'ers tend to be so 
verbose?  Is  it "high vata" or perhaps the Saraswati worship?  I 
remember those gold embossed books the movement started putting out in 
the 1970s and wonder how people could say so little in so many words.

At least unlike another former FFL "wall of words" rambler you know how 
to break your thoughts up into paragraphs.  :)

(BTW, I also think that "high vata" is why there have been some early 
deaths of TM'ers.  I would even go so far as to speculate they might 
have been told they were running a vata imbalance but liked the high so 
didn't do what was necessary to come into balance.)

Duveyoung wrote:
> t3rinity,
> Thanks for the support -- meaning, my outer validation addiction still
> holds sway over me, sigh. 
> T.S. Elliot spoke of the three voices of poetry;  here, I'm doing
> mostly one voice -- assuming a familiarity with spirituality in the
> reader and then I riff. I don't so much write only for myself or for a
> general audience.
> I'm a world class narcissist, and it shows, so that triggers some
> folks -- and, hooray, that gives God a chance to snipe at my ego via
> their comments and sandpaper off the veneer of small self that
> beclouds my soul.  
> But, nonetheless, I give myself a lot of permission to just have fun
> when I write.  I know I ramble, but I'm writing for the pleasure of
> seeing it manifest -- each new thought is miraculous to me.  It's like
> my mind is doing a stand up routine, and I'm sitting in a front row
> seat, and if something's "good" I stand up and tell the rest of the
> audience (my readers) what I just heard.  If anyone laughs, my ego
> bows in plagiaristic glee.  
> I'm a lazy poet, so I do prose with mini-poems in them, I pepper my
> stuff with a few words here or there that challenge the reader have to
> have intuitive resonance with me -- to divine my references. 
> The words are merely "good excuses" for the reader to project meanings
> of their own, and if I get a report back that indicates that the
> reader and I "shared," my ego's generally deluded and loves it, but,
> bottom line: it's synchrony not communication. If synchrony happens, I
> am surprised, delighted, and, ever so yep, for at least a few seconds
> my ego purrs as loudly as you'd expect from a guy with six planets in
> Leo.  
> There, my cat's out of the bag.  
> Given my ego, there's a palpable chance that I will get insulted and
> take off, burn my bridge here.  If so, if someone gets to me, shame on
> me -- after all, if I'm going to let my pampered little snit prance in
> public like an organ grinder's monkey, I should at least be able to
> take some folks' finger pointing and laughing "at me," eh?  
> But show me a Leo who can take the least besmirching without
> immediately bellowing a roar of denial.  
> I'm cursed by the Zodiac!
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
>>> --------------
>>> "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
>>> Hey Edg,
>>> I just want to say thanks for getting active on FFL and posting these
>>> long, thoughtful things. I don't always have a chance to read all of
>>> them, but when I do, I enjoy them, as I enjoyed our days in the Y2K
>>> group together. Keep on truckin'.
>>> ---------------
>>> Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>> No offense but first off how much espresso did you have before you
>> wrote 
>>> all that?  You could have summed it all up in a few sentences as much
>>> of the rest of your writing was redundant to your principal point.  
>>> ---------------
>>> The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
>>> Edg
>> And gives again.
>> Edg I really appreciate you posts, and I hate them because I can't
>> write like you. Please don't just sum up your main point, because we
>> (some of us I guess) really enjoy the journey through your brain
>> synapsies as well, the wild ride of associations, if we can follow
>> them. If everything was just about getting to the main point, mystery
>> novels would just consist of one page, isn't it enough to know who did
>> the murder and for what reason? Then again thats not why we like to
>> read. There many side views, many interesting associations, and in
>> this your language is more flexible and the same time concise than
>> that of many here. I know you will continue what you are doing, but
>> please continue here.

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