--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "In 1923 Rudolf Steiner predicted the dire state of today's 
> He stated that, within fifty to eighty years, we would see the
> consequences of mechanizing the forces that had previously operated
> organically in the beehive. Such practices include breeding queen 
> artificially.
> http://www.steinerbooks.org/detail.html?id=0880104570
> Patrick writing: Steiner is said to have said in a lecture 
that "that
> which we experience within ourselves only at a time when our hearts
> develop love is actually the very same thing that is present as a
> substance in the entire beehive. The whole beehive is permeated with
> life based on love. In many ways the bees renounce love, and thereby
> this love develops within the entire beehive."
> Back to the book review:
> "The fact that over sixty percent of the American honeybee 
> has died during the past ten years, and that this trend is 
> around the world, should make us aware of the importance of the 
> discussed in these lectures. Steiner began this series of lectures 
> bees in response to a question from an audience of workers at the
> Goetheanum.
> "From physical depictions of the daily activities of bees to the 
> elevated esoteric insights, these lectures describe the unconscious
> wisdom of the beehive and its connection to our experience of 
> culture, and the cosmos.
> "Rudolf Steiner (Feb. 27, 1861–Mar. 30, 1925) was born in Kraljevic,
> Austria, where he grew up the son of a railroad station chief. As a
> young man, he lived in Weimar and Berlin, where he became a 
> and well-published scientific, literary, and philosophical scholar,
> known especially for his work on Goethe's scientific writings. At 
> beginning of the twentieth century, he began to develop his earlier
> philosophical principles into an approach to methodical research of
> psychological and spiritual phenomena. Steiner formally began his
> spiritual teaching career under the auspices of the Theosophical
> Society, later referring to his spiritual research results and
> philosophy as "Anthroposophy," or spiritual science. His 
> genius has led to innovative and holistic approaches in medicine,
> philosophy, religion, education (Waldorf schools), special education
> (the Camphill movement), economics, agriculture (biodynamics),
> science, architecture, and the arts (drama, speech and eurythmy). In
> 1924 he founded the General Anthroposophical Society, which has
> branches throughout the world. He died in Dornach, Switzerland.
> http://www.steinerbooks.org/detail.html?id=0880104570

Very interesting post; thank you Patrick! However the great influence 
Steiner has had in many fields in the Western world his followers are 
somewhat caught up in the past, as the following from Benjamin Creme 
might explain :

Q. Aren't there some other disciples who could be working as you do 
to make known the Christ's presence? (Europe)
A. There are five people who you might have thought would be key 
people in the 4,000 people involved in this work around the world: 
one in New York, me in London, one in Geneva, one in Darjeeling, one 
in Tokyo, all chosen to be the first presenters. Around them would 
gather more, so that it would become a worldwide happening. This 
information would be coming from five points across the world from 
New York to Tokyo, a brilliant plan, except that the one in New York 
does not believe. He has been to my lectures several times but does 
not believe the story. I am the one in London. The one in Geneva, 
like the one in New York, does not believe the story. They are both 
Christian mystics, influenced by people like Steiner who died before 
the plan that it would be the Christ Himself was finalized. Steiner 
was adamant that the Christ could not return in a physical body and 
thought that when the Christ Principle awakened sufficiently in the 
hearts of men, then we could say the Christ is in the world. This is 
only one aspect of the Reappearance of the Christ. People who follow 
Steiner have closed their minds to the very possibility of the 
Reappearance of the Christ as a physical man in the world, quite 
apart from all the 40 or so Masters Who are likewise coming. They 
have done a disservice to the event. 


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