In a message dated 4/29/07 10:57:52 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Whenever  I've see a soldier in uniform eating at a restaurant, I do
this ego thang.  Here's what I do: I say, "I'm totally against the
Iraq war, but I'm 100%  for you. Any military person in Iraq has
someone aiming a gun at them all  the time, and to just show up there
is bravery beyond anything I've ever  done in my life. And may I buy
your dinner, cuz you're giving me and my  country such deeply honorable

They all say, No,"  sheepishly usually, saying, "I've got money," but I
say, "Look, this is for  me, not you. I really need this symbol of
support for our troops." They  smile and are a bit uncomfortable, but
I lay down the money on the table  and say, "If you can't use the
money, I'm sure you know someone who can.  Pass it forward." And I
turn and leave.

Oh, shame on me, but it  feels good and I can't stop it. These poor
kids who get themselves into the  military for all the wrong reasons
just break my heart when they slog  through their commitments. They've
got something I know not of.  


This is so much  bullshit. If you appreciate them, then you appreciate  what 
they are doing. They don't want your money so you can clear your  conscience. 
When you qualify your *appreciation* by telling them  that you don't believe 
in what they are doing, you may as well be  calling them baby killers and 
spitting on them. They want you to believe in  them and their mission 
unconditionally. No wonder they didn't want your money to  pay for their dinner!

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