This certainly helps coherence, yes?

--- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some pundit news from a well-informed inside source:
> .         The pundits were not given a clear idea of
> what their living
> conditions here would be. They were not told they
> would be cloistered behind
> fences. They understood that they would be free to
> move about and see new
> things here. Most of them are very frustrated and
> stir-crazy in their
> confinement.
> .         The tuberculosis rumors are true. I don't
> know how many are
> infected, but anyone who has had contact with the
> pundits has been tested.
> .         In his sales pitch to lure them here, Bob
> "Raja" Wynne promised
> them a $300 monthly stipend, but they are only
> getting $30.
> .         The pundits are indentured to the TMO for
> at least 20 years. They
> were all obligated to take out loans to help build
> some SV structure. It's
> not clear to me what the structure is. Perhaps their
> living and chanting
> facility in India. I'll find out. Anyway, as long as
> they are punditing, the
> movement covers the payments, but if they leave,
> they have to cover them. If
> they don't Anand and Prakash Srivastava sic the
> police on them. This
> happened to the ex-pundit from whom I got this
> information.
> .         This pundit also said that the Srivastavas
> are very rich and
> basically say to MMY, "Look, you're very old. Don't
> worry about these
> financial matters. We'll take care of them."

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