Perfect health and immortality conference summarized by Dr Bevan 
Morris - Part II

Global Good News
30 April 2007

Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, 
continued his summary of the beautiful address by Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi during the recent global Press Conference on Perfect Health and 

Dr Morris quoted Maharishi's words that immortality is completely 
possible. The Vedic Literature, Maharishi said, is full of promises 
on that level, speaking about the Self of every human being as being 
beyond space and time. People throughout the ages, all parents, have 
been wanting their children to live a completely healthy life, to 
enjoy health, wealth, and wisdom, and now that aspiration is going to 
be fulfilled. 

Maharishi said that it's certainly the case until now, that 'mortal 
is man' has been the understanding, and that one day everyone has to 
face retirement from this body. 'But he said absolutely, clearly to 
us,' said Dr Morris, 'that the potentiality for our generation is not 
to retire from life, but to continue and continue and continue. And 
this will be on the level of the Unified Field, which has conducted 
life for millions of years in the past, and will be conducting it for 
millions of years to come.' 

The transcendental field of life is beyond space and time, as 
described by the words of the poet Tennyson, who said, 'For men may 
come and men may go, but I go on forever.' And this is the reality, 
Maharishi said, every time we write the word 'I', I did this and I 
did that, it is always with a capital letter, and it expresses that 
the 'I' is never small, the 'I' is infinite. 

Dr Morris elaborated on Maharishi's words that 'modern science is 
just a miniature of the eternal ancient science of life, called the 
Vedic Science of Life, and the same scientific results that Dr 
Hagelin describes in terms of equations, have been well described in 
Vedic terms', in the long history of Vedic sages, the Vedic Rishis of 
India. Through time immemorial, the same understanding has been 
there, for example in the expression Richo akshare parame vyoman - 
Maharishi explained that this is a Vedic expression from the Rk Veda, 
which describes the structure of the Unified Field. It describes it 
in terms of its two extremes, 'A'—its infinite value, and 'K'—its 

So the reality of the Unified Field is the infinite, and the point of 
infinity both together, reverberating together. All the Laws of 
Nature, the Richas of the Veda, that are the cause of everything in 
the universe, are just on the level of this unified level of 
consciousness reverberating within itself. 

Dr Morris reviewed Maharishi's explanation that this level is beyond 
space—Parame vyoman means it is beyond space. This is the level in 
Vedic terms, which Dr Hagelin has described rigorously in terms of 
modern quantum physics and has also related to the structure of Rk 

'Maharishi's advice is,' said Dr Morris, 'to practise Transcendental 
Meditation as the sun rises and the sun sets every day. There are 
thousands of teachers to teach you. Experience the Constitution of 
the Universe in the experience of the Unified Field. Enliven that in 
life which is the immortal field of life, and take advantage of the 
fact that Dr Hagelin spent his youth in the Unified Field and now he 
is giving out the gift of his finding to everyone on earth. 

'Maharishi told everyone,' said Dr Morris, 'You are born to be the 
ruler of the universe. You have to have the Constitution of the 
Universe in your own simple awareness, and if you don't, you'll 
always remain poor in your own behaviour, in your own joy and success 
of life. 

Concluding his summary of the conference proceedings, Dr Morris 
said, 'Everyone should be what they were born to be, what the 
potentiality of life is there for them to be, which is the immortal, 
invincible level of life.' 

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