> > -- re: intent and karma: "The pathway to Hell > is paved with good intentions". > > coshlnx wrote: > > Don't be silly. Why would you "go to hell" for > engaging in activity that, at the time, seemed > perfectly reasonable and in fact was quite good.
if it was in fact good, then your karma is good too. > It is only in hindsight that our take on a situation is > different. Nature doesnt waste time on our ambiguities. If the past action was not good "in hindsight" then it was not good, period. you better make up your mind, was it good or not, nature only has one opinion. > If the intent was good, and I'm sure it was > with both Rick, Curtis (both whom I know > personally)and the two Barrys no "bad" karma can be > generated. It's all in the intent. ummm, your understanding of karma is completely backwards! to think it is all in the intent is quite naive. its all about the action taken: "karma" literally means "action", and by extension the re-action it generates. we only -hope- that misguided thinking bestows some mitigating "mercy" factor, but what you do (for whatever reason) is what makes your karma btw, thats exactly the meaning of the warning in the title, (which you dont agree with): "the road to hell (ie, the return of bad karma), is paved with good intentions" (ie, because that isnt what matters, fool) sorry to be such a hardass, but Nature is pretty fierce (Kali); you cant undo your past ... but, make alotta good karma now to balance past mistakes!