Don't know if there's any way for this to fit
into a Utopian parable, but I was reading the
other day about a species of bird, I think it
was--or it may have been fish--that have been
found to inbreed almost exclusively. This is
highly unusual, since inbreeding tends to bring
out recessive genes for traits that are not
favorable to species survival.

Scientists believe this species, for whatever
reason, has very few such genes, so that
inbreeding has not weakened it.

I thought it would be interesting to envision
a fully sentient species, with a highly
developed civilization, that also has very few
negative genes, whose family structure is based
on inbreeding among siblings. What would be the
social consequences, both within and between
families, of an absence of the incest taboo?
Would it promote greater harmony throughout the
society, or make it necessary for families to
insulate themselves from others to avoid deadly

Avoidance of inbreeding is such a basic fact of
human society it's a real stretch to imagine 
what a civilization might be like in which incest
were the norm. Certainly many sources of conflict
would be nonexistent if people bred only with
their siblings, but would there be other types of
conflict that would be at least as bad?

Or are the sources of conflict that would be
eliminated the underlying reason that Utopia
seems always to be out of reach for human

I haven't taken the idea any further than to ask
the question, but I think it may have intriguing


--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are both correct and I apologize. Part of it 
> is having not posted here for a couple of days
> and logging on to find people still trashing me
> *anyway*. Part of it is, in one case, having had
> to endure this shit for TWELVE FUCKING YEARS.

Absolutely the most stunningly hypocritical
statement we've ever seen from Barry, and
that's saying something.

For TWELVE FUCKING YEARS Barry has been the
provocateur extraordinaire. He can't possibly
be unaware of this; and the record couldn't
possibly be clearer, both here and on alt.m.t.
It is others who have had to endure *his* shit.

Yet here he is, actually *pretending to be the

It's just breathtaking.

> I think I've said almost anything that can be
> said about the disdain I have for such people,
> and for how essentially worthless I find them. 
> From now on, I'll try more to "walk my talk" 
> and just ignore anything they have to say, even 
> when it's about me. Especially when it's about 
> me.

And of course he's made this same vow over and over
and over and OVER again, both here and on alt.m.t,
and has never been able to keep it for more than a
week or so at a time. Then he goes back to trashing,
and has the unmitigated gall to complain about
people fighting back?

And he's outraged at being called a phony??

 And mark my matter how long I 
> do this, a lot of the nasty things they say will 
> *continue* to be about me. As Sal pointed out a 
> few days ago, it's an obsession on their parts.

It *is* a matter of how long you can do it, Barry.
As I said in the other post, you have to figure
in some lag time considering how often and for
how long you've been the one to say nasty things
about others.

You're going to have to *stick with it* for an
extended period, refrain from trashing others
directly to their faces *and* indirectly, before
you're going to see results. You have to actually
mean what you say, and then *do* it.

I'm not holding my breath.

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