[ ]   [ ]       Friday, April 27, 2007

In Vedic City, Iowa: Detox with vegetarian meals, herbal supplements,
steam baths and customized enemas.
Photo by Mel Sauerbeck, The Raj     10 great places to detox, tune up,
calm down
It's time to rev up our metabolic engines and clean out our systems to
gear up for outdoor activity. "There are health spas that offer detox
programs designed to rid our systems of four kinds of toxins: the body's
own waste products, dietary toxins like alcohol and caffeine,
psychological toxins like stress, and environmental pollutants," says
Anitra Brown, spa guide for About.com <http://spas.about.com/> . She
tells Buzzy Gordon for USA TODAY about North American spas that
specialize in getting the body running lighter and cleaner for summer
The Greenhouse Spa
Arlington, Texas

The women-only Greenhouse Spa adds a "body reshaping" dimension to its
Fat Flush Plan. "Detox is not the same thing as a weight-loss program,"
Brown says, "but undergoing detox usually results in some weight loss."
This ultra-pampering spa's detox program, supervised by a naturopathic
physician, features a low glycemic-index diet rich in cranberry water.
No enemas here; herbal body wraps take on detox duties, while Pilates,
aquatic fitness and yoga classes tone up muscle. 817-640-4000;
thegreenhousespa.net <http://thegreenhousespa.net/>

We Care Spa
Desert Hot Springs, Calif.

"We Care is the home of the classic California detox: a liquid fast,
wheatgrass juice, purifying teas, fiber supplements and daily colonics,"
Brown says. "It's a relatively small and modest spa in a beautiful
setting. You can get detoxifying spa treatments like lymphatic massage,
plus yoga, meditation, and dance classes." 800-888-2523; wecarespa.com

Hippocrates Health Institute
West Palm Beach, Fla.

"Bring pen and paper," Brown advises. "Hippocrates' Life Change Program
is an educational detox experience." A one- to three-week program
includes meditation, exercise and lots of lectures. No juice fasts, but
there's a wheatgrass bar and enzyme-rich raw food for lunch and dinner.
The Oasis Therapy Center offers colon hydrotherapy and other
non-invasive treatments aimed at detoxifying and rebalancing the body
and mind. 800-842-2125;hippocratesinst.org <http://hippocratesinst.org/>

New Age Health Spa
Neversink, N.Y.

At this no-frills spa in the Catskills region, Brown says, "you can do
your own juice and potassium-broth fast anytime, but it's more fun four
times a year when you can do it with a group." New Age's Calming Cleanse
package offers purifying spa treatments such as colon hydrotherapy,
aromatherapy massage and mud wraps. Management is serious about detox:
Get caught smoking and it's immediate expulsion with no refund and a
$100 fine. 800-682-4348; newagehealthspa.com

Elemental Embrace
Brighton, Ontario, Canada

The detoxification philosophy of this family-owned spa is based on
Ayurveda, the centuries-old medical tradition of India. Ayurvedic
detoxification ‹ known as panchakarma, or five processes ‹
focuses on systematically eliminating toxins from the body via the
respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. This method, Brown
cautions, is not for the squeamish about enemas. 866-212-9355;
elementalembrace.com <http://elementalembrace.com/>

The Raj
Vedic City, Iowa

The Raj offers a one-week version of Ayurvedic panchakarma by starting
each guest on a diet before arrival. Guests are examined by an Ayurvedic
physician, who uses pulse diagnosis to prescribe a detox program
comprising organic cooked vegetarian meals, herbal supplements and
specialized treatments of massages and steam baths, both enhanced with
medicated oils. Customized enemas are available as well, Brown says.
800-864-8714, ext. 9000; theraj.com <http://theraj.com/>

Regency Health Resort and Spa
Hallandale, Fla.

This seaside vegan spa features one of the more affordable,
do-it-yourself detox programs, under the supervision of its resident
medical specialist. It offers individualized water-and-juice fasting
year-round, supported by yoga, meditation and water aerobics. But, Brown
says, no colonics. 800-454-0003; regencyhealthspa.com

Sanoviv Medical Institute
Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico

"Sanoviv is actually a fully equipped holistic hospital, with spa,
overlooking a beautiful beach," Brown says. "In addition to diagnostic
tests and complete health assessments, it offers a one- or two-week
detoxification and regeneration program overseen by a physician, a
nutritionist and a psychologist."  Patients and guests wear special
toxin-free clothing and eat only raw foods; en-suite bathrooms are
equipped for self-administered colonics. 800-726-6848; sanoviv.com

Red Mountain Spa
Ivins, Utah

Once a month, this adventure destination spa offers a seven-night
Detoxification Program with spa treatments, a personal nutrition
consultation, lectures and a low-allergen diet. "This is detox lite,"
Brown says. "No fasting, no colonics." There is special emphasis on
strengthening the liver, the workhorse of the body's detoxification
system, by means of yoga postures, acupuncture and daily purifying
smoothies. 800-407-3002; redmountainspa.com <http://redmountainspa.com/>

Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
Patagonia, Ariz.

This spiritual community in the desert is purposely underdeveloped
‹ no in-room televisions or phones and minimal artificial lighting.
There are 10-, 17- and 24-day detox programs, starting with seven days
of fasting on 100% organic "green juice" (made from a variety of
grasses), followed by a diet of organic raw food. Guests also meditate,
practice yoga, get lymphatic drainage massage and can detox in an Indian
sweat lodge, Brown says. 866-394-2520; treeoflife.nu


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