Hi Sal, you forget to mention these gems of wisdom below from 
TurquoiseB for which he has never apologized and which at the time I 
found very offensive and disgusted by.    
MUCH MUCH WORSE than anything Judy has EVER said. Admit it Sal, or 
are you a prejudiced born-again fanatic like Bush, Rice, Ashcroft 
and cronies.   
Admit it Sal, and stop siding with such disgusting people JUST 
because they gel with your own agenda. That is what Nazis do. Admit 
that this below IS FAR WORSE BY FAR than anything Judy has ever said 

TurquoiseB referring to a poster he dislikes: 
I guess we all know who that was. Fuckin' retard.

On the fact that he doesn't dominate the board with his long-winded 
"I think I speak for many people here in saying that all we're 
asking is for these three to CATCH A FUCKIN' CLUE and realize that 
what they are doing is socially unacceptable."

Referring to a poster he disagrees with: 
"All these years disappointed. So if I limit myself to the 
occasional cheap shot about her dried-up pussy, count yourself 

Referring to a poster he disagrees with: 
"As for "gone all cunty," well, that's definitely fair
and accurate, so carry on"

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> OK, having some free time this morning, I thought I'd pull a 
Barry. :)  
> So here's our latest poll, on who uses inflammatory language the 
> since that seems to be a hot topic lately (apart from flinging 
dung, of 
> course).  Now I'm not drawing any conclusions  one way or another, 
> just a topic of conversation.  We report, you decide. :)
> These are culled from all the posts made by these posters since 
> started posting here:  Judy, Curtis, Barry, and, just for 
> yours truly. :)
> # of posts with the word 'liar' in them:
> Judy: 137
> Curtis: 19
> Barry: 47
> Sal: 8
> # of posts with the word 'lying' in them:
> Judy: 188
> Curtis: 32
> Barry: 84
> Sal: 9
> # of posts with the word 'hypocrite' in them:
> Judy: 40
> Curtis: 9
> Barry: 19
> Sal: 6
> # of posts with the word 'hypocrisy' in them:
> Judy: 132
> Curtis: 10
> Barry: 29
> Sal: 8

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