--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "george_deforest" 
> this is just astonishing ...
> from NY Times ad:
> Investors are Invited to Consider our program 
> of $2.6 Billion to build 200 unique Hospitals 
> and $0.65 Billion to build 210 Invincible Schools 
> in 37 countries with highest income per capita. 
> Proposed Financing terms: 
> 15 year loan with 10% Interest.
> source:  http://www.globalfinancialcapitalny.org/ad/
Pretty amazing just the scope of the project. Some idealistic 
billionaire ought to take them up on it. And its a decent rate of 
return, so why not? The TMO would have to come through without 
playing shell games with the money, or else the billionaire would 
put contracts out on them, or have an army of lawyers after the TMO 
for decades to come. This call for funding these projects has been 
going on for a few years now, and its hard to believe no one has 
invested a cent. That being the case, we'd have heard by now if the 
TMO was defaulting on paying its investors the contractual returns.

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