For Immediate Release
May 7, 2007

Contact: Steven Yellin
70 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004 • 212-809-7000 (T) •
212-809-7001 (F) • [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Report on the Global Conference on Organic Agriculture

New "Unified Field-Based" Approach to Organic Agriculture
Will Bring Wealth to Poor Nations and Health to Wealthy Nations

Will Utilize the "Chemistry of Sound" to Enliven Total Natural
in Plants to Produce Maximally Nutritious Food

(NEW YORK) The world's poor nations will become wealthier and the
wealthy nations will become healthier as a new "Unified
Field"-based approach to organic agriculture is adopted throughout
the world.

Such a revolutionary new approach will utilize the "chemistry of
sound" to enliven the Unified Field—Total Natural Law—in
every plant to yield organic food that is maximally nutritious and
life-supporting for the whole population.

This was the extraordinary message delivered by Dr. John Hagelin,
world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the
International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, and Dr.
John Konhaus, professor of Vedic Organic Agriculture at the University
of World Peace in Meru, Holland, during the "Global Conference on
Organic Agriculture." The conference was held recently at the Global
Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street, and was broadcast
internationally via satellite and Internet webcast. (See
<>  for a replay of the
conference and a schedule of upcoming conferences.)

Profound difference between conventional organic and
Unified Field-based organic agriculture

Dr. Hagelin explained the profound difference between conventional
organic agriculture, which raises plants without toxic chemicals,
pesticides, and fertilizers, and Unified Field-based organic
agriculture. "Unified Field-based agriculture raises current organic
standards to an entirely new level of purity and nutritional potency to
produce maximum health-supporting benefits for the consumer—such as
balanced physiological functioning, total brain functioning, and higher
states of consciousness."

The physics of Unified Field-based organic agriculture

Dr. Hagelin said that to understand Unified Field-based organic
agriculture—and its power to transform the nutritional potency of a
plant—requires an understanding of the Unified Field, which is the
unified source of the diversified universe as brought to light by modern

"According to Superstring theories, all the elementary particles,
such as the electron, and all the forces, such as the photon of
electromagnetism, are just the stable vibrational modes (energy
eigenstates) of the Superstring. This also is true of atoms, molecules,
and indeed of any stable object, whether microscopic or
macroscopic," Dr. Hagelin said.

"The mechanics of transformation of one particle into another, or
one chemical compound into another, is always through the application of
sound. For example, to transform sugar into water, you add oxygen. To
transform a diseased state of the physiology into a healthy state, you
add herbs or pharmaceuticals. But ultimately, all such particles and
compounds are just sounds—vibrational modes of the Unified Field.
This is the `chemistry of sound,' through which you can
transform anything into anything," he said.

Unified Field-based organic agriculture is the modern
scientific reformulation of the ancient Vedic science of agriculture

Dr. Hagelin said that Unified Field-based organic agriculture is the
modern scientific reformulation of the ancient Vedic science of organic
agriculture—as brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

"Vedic science is the complete science of the Unified Field,
including all of its vibrational modes—or Vedic sounds. These Vedic
sounds can be applied to transform anything into anything—including,
in agriculture, transforming growing plants into exceptionally healthy,
nutritious crops," Dr. Hagelin said.

"During key developmental stages of a maturing plant, the plant is
highly sensitive to environmental influences. During these stages, Vedic
organic agriculture utilizes specific Vedic sounds to ensure the proper
development of the plant, including its precise protein sequences, to
produce a maximum life-supporting benefit for the consumer."

Global Financial Capital of New York offers governments
programs in Unified Field-based organic agriculture

Prof. John Konhaus explained the depth and scope of the programs of
Unified Field-based organic agriculture that are being offered by the
Global Financial Capital of New York. Prof. Konhaus said the programs

    1. Develop the full potential of the farmer and his relationship with
Natural Lawthrough Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and
TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, which brings the support of
Nature to the farmer and promotes balance in the
environment—including ensuring that the seasons will come on time,
rain will be sufficient and timely, and other environmental influences
will be beneficial.
    2. Enliven the total potential of Natural Law in foodthrough Vedic
sounds, which nourish the plant's growth and development at critical
stages of transformation in its life cycle
    3. Ensure that the food is pure, fresh, and fully ripened so that the
total potential of Nature's intelligence is fully enlivened in the
intelligence and physiology of the consumer

Poverty Removal Program will utilize a country's unused arable land
to raise a poor nation out of poverty

Prof. Konhaus also said that Unified Field-based, Vedic-based organic
agriculture is at the basis of the Poverty Removal Program of the Global
Financial Capital of New York. "The Poverty Removal Program will
create wealth in poor nations from the country's own precious land
resources," Prof. Konhaus said. "A small percentage of the
unused, arable land in the nation can be used to grow healthy, pure
organic food and fiber crops—as well as alternative bio-fuels. The
Global Financial Capital has the programs to enliven the total
creativity of Natural Law in both the farmers and in the land. When the
creative intelligence of man and nature are combined, the generation of
wealth is the inevitable result."

In this way, Prof. Konhaus said, Vedic organic farmers will be able to
produce the most nourishing food in the world, which will command high
prices in the market—three to four times more than the prices of
chemically grown, life-damaging food. "This will bring wealth to
poor nations and health to wealthy nations, which cannot grow such pure
food because their land has been poisoned by toxic agricultural
chemicals and pesticides," Prof. Konhaus said.

Prof. Konhaus concluded by inviting financiers to invest in the Poverty
Removal Program. "The Global Financial Capital of New York has the
knowledge, the plan, and the expertise. Now, with the support of a few
insightful people to invest in this program, the world will come out of
poverty. It can happen literally overnight," Prof. Konhaus said.

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