Saving the planet
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

When mankind realizes how serious is the ecological imbalance of 
their planetary home, they must take the steps so urgently needed to 
remedy the situation. If men were to fail to respond with sufficient 
resolution they would be guilty of surrendering the planet to slow 
but inevitable destruction. What, then, the legacy to hand on to 
their children? That this self-destruction should not prevail all 
must act together, and make the necessary sacrifices. This will 
entail a complete change in attitude to the integrity of the planet 
and what are seen as the needs of men today.
It will not be easy for some to countenance the changes needed but 
only by such change can the life of the planet be assured. Already, 
deep inroads have been made into the essential stock of trees on 
Earth. De-forestation has caused a growing loss of oxygen and the 
rise of carbon gases. This is now at a critical stage and requires 
immediate action.


The reality of global warming is now dawning on the minds of 
millions, yet, despite the overwhelming evidence some still deny that 
the actions of men are the cause.
We, your Elder Brothers, can say with full conviction that the 
actions of men are responsible for eighty per cent of global warming.
Maitreya, you will find, will not be long in bringing this urgent 
problem to man's attention. He will face men with the alternatives: 
the beneficial results of action now, on the one hand, and the 
destruction which would ensue from doing nothing, or too little, on 
the other. Thus, the decision is man's alone.


When men understand this they will indeed rally to the cause. They 
will see that the future for their children depends on action now, 
and will elicit from Maitreya and His group the necessary steps to 
take. Maitreya will advocate a simpler form of living, one more in 
keeping with the reality of the planet's situation. When enough 
people are convinced that this is necessary there will be a growing 
movement to simplify throughout the planet. This will proceed with 
quite unusual speed, so inspired by the need for change will millions 
be. Thus will the gravest dangers facing planet Earth be somewhat 
countered. This will encourage many and boost their readiness for 
further changes.
Faced with the dilemma of necessary change men will come to realize 
the inevitability of accepting the principle of sharing. Only sharing 
will make these changes practical and possible. Only through sharing 
can the bounty of Planet Earth be successfully used. Only through 
sharing can this bounty be correctly husbanded. Only thus can the 
Planet itself live in harmony with its environment and with its 

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