--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Supposing we wanted to create self-sustaining large yogic flying 
> groups of 400, 1000, 2000, or maximum 10,000 - without government 
> involvement and support.. what kind of enterprises would be 
> for such a project? I'm not myself into business so wouldn't really 
> have a clue. I did have the idea of a free newspaper for London 
> years ago - relying on ads, printing news from other sources plus 
> occasional features - including ones on TM - sparingly - hence free 
> publicity, reaching a huge audience. But now there are three free 
> papers in the capital, competing with each other. 
> Did you have ideas for such an enterprise or come across any from 
> friends? MMY seems to have opted for educational establishments, 
> agriculture, MAV clinics and products, pandit services etc. But no 
> manufacturing, assembly, information, distribution or service 
> enterprises and wonder why not.
> Or maybe he tried these without success already? Shame that MIU/MUM 
> never came out with any invention or innovation (eg more efficient 
> solar panel or internet breakthrough) that could have provided the 
> necessary funds for all the TMO projects.

You would just need to convince a few billionares;
That this idea is viable and practical.
There is so much money floating around in the stock market, etc;
That it's all involved with 'other things'.
But if you could get just a few neo-con types, that are connected,
And could see the benefit of this, it could be funded, and advertized 
in a way which would attract a certain segment of society;
Especially some of the lost younger people now, listening to nonsense 
on the I-pod, etc.

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