"curtisdeltablues" wrote:  "But when a bigger monkey locks on to the
eyes of a smaller monkey, the message has been clear for about 50
million years. 

Yeah, yeah, I know, but it's a spiritual event to me -- every event is
-- but to me the telepathy, the synchrony, the clarity all sprang from
deep levels and were far easier to see than in "ordinary life."  The
kids I stared at were in communion with me, ya know?

In ordinary life, with so much to attend, I find that when I most want
to respond to something -- with full bladder urgency -- silence is
always a very important option to have in mind.  Just a few seconds of
it can be an epiphany to all parties.  Like those telephone service
commercials where one person is talking and the line goes dead but
they think the other person is merely being silent? -- then truth
begins to flow from the speakers -- very delightful.

When one is silent, then God is forced to speak from other nervous
systems instead, and thus one's compassion can arise as the
perspectives of others are revealed.  Until silence is used as a
common communication strategy, one is only singing in the shower -- a
hunka hunka burnin noise.

Thankya, thankya verahmuch,


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