"Rigorous statistical analysis confirms that that the 21% rise of the
Dow and the S&P 500 and the 27% rise of the NASDAQ over the past nine
months were caused by the coherent influence created by the Invincible
America Assembly."
—Dr. John Hagelin, Executive Director,
International Center for Invincible Defense"

Clearly MUM has redefined "rigorous". Or is it a vedic word that
sounds similiar to the english word "rigorous?

   1. Conforming completely to established rule: exact, strict,
uncompromising. See usual/unusual.
   2. Requiring great or extreme bodily, mental, or spiritual
strength: arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, demanding, difficult,
effortful, exacting, exigent, formidable, hard, heavy, laborious,
onerous, oppressive, rough, severe, taxing, tough, trying, weighty.
See heavy/light.
   3. Not deviating from correctness, accuracy, or completeness:
close, exact, faithful, full, strict. See careful/careless.
   4. Having no errors: accurate, correct, errorless, exact, precise,
right. See correct/incorrect, true/false.
   5. Conforming to fact: accurate, correct, exact, faithful, precise,
right, true, veracious, veridical. See correct/incorrect,
honest/dishonest, real/imaginary, true/false.

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