"> an email from this guy who said I'd go to hell because of my views. 
> At least nothing like that has happened since!"

Although I have been critical of MMY (once or twice) I have only
received emails since posting here that were either very polite, for
people who disagreed with my position, or people being positive.  I
think the hard-core people are afraid of this board and most everyone
else is pretty open minded having seen and heard it all before.  It is
a refreshing change from the days of receiving messages like "nature
will silence you". (turns out that after an Irish whiskey and a beer
chaser Nature wont shut up. Nature only silences you by talking over
you with beer nut and pickled egg breath till the bouncer heaves him
into a cab kicking and screaming about sending a tsunami over the bar)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "I think you are very brave to freely think these thoughts and 
> publish them." You are getting me worried - maybe that explains why 
> hardly anyone seems to be responding to my posts lately, apart from 
> yourself. So thanks for the support.. So you think I'm being 
> blacklisted somewhere? Actually I did have a scary exchange a few 
> years back. I posted something (OK, it was "critical") and I received 
> an email from this guy who said I'd go to hell because of my views. 
> At least nothing like that has happened since! 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <claudiouk@> 
> > >wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there ever a real audience present I wonder, of non-
> meditators. 
> > >In 
> > > the middle of listening to the live conference - MMY speaking at 
> > >the 
> > > moment. Just listening for my own benefit it's OK I guess - I'm 
> > > keeping in touch with developments; occasionally there is 
> something 
> > > new or that makes more sense; but mostly seems too repetive - 
> heard 
> > > it all before etc. So for instance today the theme is about 
> > > consciousness based education developing the whole brain. There 
> is 
> > > lots of interesting stuff, but one would like to see more a 
> > > documentary approach - seeing snipets of real lessons, pupil 
> views, 
> > > more examples of how non-scientific subjects are represented in 
> the 
> > > unified field charts etc.
> > > 
> > > But then I think what if I were an educator attending such a 
> > > conference for the very first time and having never heard of TM 
> or 
> > > the unified field even.. These presentations supposedly are to 
> > > attract interest in what is on offer. However(a) now the problem 
> is 
> > > that there is SO MUCH information that is relevant but will be 
> > > COMPLETELY new to the audience; (b) how to present this in a way 
> > >that 
> > > will make most sense to THEM, so that in spite of their natural 
> > > misgivings they can relate to the message and see its value; and
> (c) 
> > > what is it they NEED practically to go away afterwards with 
> > >concrete 
> > > examples and strategies for communicating their understanding AND 
> > > persuading authorities to take this innovation more seriously.
> > > 
> > > I really don't think that the format of these presentations is 
> > >likely 
> > > to favour such outcomes. Firstly Haglin's equations are barely 
> > > understandable by people familiar with his talks and are 
> > > incomprehensible to educators even in the science disciplines. 
> > >Their 
> > > natural reaction would be deefensive - well that's YOUR 
> > > interpretation (and they are right). Secondly MMY comes in and 
> > >spends 
> > > ages going round in obscure circles this time from the 
> perspective 
> > >of 
> > > Veda - usually one remembers AH and BRUM because repeated a lot, 
> > >but 
> > > otherwise complete beginners would have NO IDEA about what the 
> > >Vedic 
> > > tradition is - most educators these days don't even know much 
> about 
> > > their own Bible (if Christian). So after hearing a long 
> > > winded "mathematical" discussion they don't unders have to endure 
> > > Maharishi's Vedic take, another alien element. The Morris comes 
> in 
> > > and instead of relating what has been said to the audience's 
> needs 
> > > simply punishes them with another REPEAT of the previous 
> speakers' 
> > > main points. 
> > > 
> > > Personally I think the TMO would benefit ENORMOUSLY from 
> > >focus groups 
> > > for each sector of society they wish to engage with. 
> > 
> > >Unfortunately 
> > >they see no value from feedback whatsoever, seeing wisdom an up-
> down 
> >  >process only!!
> > > 
> > > Even with the Central University plan why would students from the 
> > > SAME State want to spend all their time with fellow citizens, in 
> > > segregated campuses - the whole point of a university is to mix 
> > >with 
> > > others from different backgrounds and gain something extra from 
> the 
> > > cross-fertilization. NOBODY has bothered to look at it from the 
> > >point 
> > > of view of the STUDENT.
> > > 
> > > No surprise then that these conferences pay no attention to the 
> > >point 
> > > of view of the AUDIENCE!!!
> > > 
> > 
> > Yes, honest blasphemy Claudiouk.  I listen to the broadcasts too 
> from 
> > the local MUM radio in my shop for the same reasons & often wonder 
> > the similar things that you do here.  
> > 
> > Many may dare not too freely express what you are here for fear of 
> > being found 'negative' by some friends here.  That is the dynamics 
> of 
> > being in the meditator community here.  I think you are very brave 
> to 
> > freely think these thoughts and publish them.
> > 
> > -Doug in FF
> > 
> > >Unfortunately 
> > >they see no value from feedback whatsoever, seeing wisdom an up-
> down 
> >  >process only!!
> >

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