--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> <steve.sundur@> (here I sound like edg, being sure I keep the ego
> in check)
> Lurky,
> I think I'm on record for being helpless in the face of the 
> ego's powers to snatch identity out of my tightest grasp -- 
> and then use it like the skin off of the cop's face was used -- 
> as a mask by Dr. Hannibal Edg Lecter.

Nice image. In a Dexter sorta way, that is. :-)

> Yeah, ego is that hideous to me. Having a personality is being
> trapped inside a prison cell constructed entirely from meat.  
> Ego is a meat mask the soul wears.

I feel for you, but y'know...I really don't feel
that way. To me the different ego-personality
selves that flit across my Self are kinda cool.
They're like costumes, at a fancy dress ball. You
put them on for a while and see how they act and
how much fun they seem to have, and then you take
off that costume and put on another one. 

The things that these empheremal selves say and
do and believe last no longer than the time that
I'm "wearing" them, while the Self continues on.
What's not to like about that? It's not just 200%
of life, one Self plus one self...it's 100% of 
the Self plus 100% of a seemingly never-ending
succession of selves. 

<snippus interruptus> 
> But it makes for some fine and subtle comedy.

Indeed it does. And at this point in my life I'm 
not convinced that it would be any funnier if 
there were no ego present. So a succession of 
costume-selves is just fine by me. Self may be
cool and all, but selves have more fun.

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