
My comments are as follows:

1.> Yes, but walked with God was meaning back in the Lemurian and
> Atlantian epochs where man in the making was shepherded by the gods
> out of necessity.  It was only until the form side of Adam/Eve 
became crystalized enough thru in-volution was it capable of being en-
> The life side (the spark) is his spiritual nature, 'who's splendor
> knows no end', via e-volution....

The point you're making here is the area of debate between the those 
who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution and the Creationists in 
the USA.  Darwin's theory has a strong case for being true, but ispar 
not completely conclusive.

On the other hand, the Creationists appear to agree with the vedic 
story that humans have been on earth for millions of years and were 
even more advanced eons ago than the humans of today.  For this 
reason, it is said that the vedas were written in segments in order 
for people in Kali Yuga to understand their import.

If this was the case, where did humans come from?  Did we come from 
the milieu of the earth or from the other worlds?

As you have implied when you mentioned Lemuria, it may be that humans 
came from the descendants of Lemuria or other worlds not known to 
us.  From the book entitled Lemurian Scrolls, the author stated that 
there were advanced beings who traveled spiritually from a planet in 
constellation of Pleiades to earth.  These beings could have embodied 
themselves here on earth to continue their evolution.

>From what I understand the myth of Atlantis may be the same as the 
one of Lemuria.

I'll address your other points the next time.


John R.

> > This implies that the human physiology has the capacity to attain 
> > retain divine consciousness.  So, it would mean that the divine 
> > one with humans, the created entity or Prakriti, in the 
> > However, something occurred in the course of time which made 
> > humans 'fall' from their previous exalted position.
> The fall was the temptation of Lucifer in the spinal canal of infant
> humanity, (sexual energy in the spine, hence the metaphor of the
> snake), now he had freewill and 'fell' (i.e. succumbed to 
> from the nursery home of his passive spiritual consciousness in the
> higher regions of the then constituted brain. 
> He now launched his journey thru learning the lessons of matter/life
> and its opposites, until he achieves MASTERY and becomes a *MASTER 
> THE UNIVERSE*. A veritable Purusha in his own right. As it says in 
> Bible...
>  Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of
> the most High.

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