--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your twisting what he actually said. A decent translation of what  
> Patanjali said might be "botananicals" although I would extend that  
> to include herbo-mineral preparations, as many preparations  
> attributed to Patanjali for siddhis fall in this class.

The word Patañjali uses, seems to be "oSadhi". Its etymology
is according to M-W doubtful:

oSadhi f. (etym. doubtful ; probably fr. %{oSa**} above [below - C.] , `"
light-containing "' see S3Br. ii , 2 , 4 , 5 Nir. ix , 27) a herb ,
plant , simple , esp. any medicinal herb RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c. ; an
annual plant or herb (which dies after becoming ripe) Mn. i , 46 , &c.
Sus3r. i , 4 , 16 ; 18 Ya1jn5. &c. ; a remedy in general Sus3r. i , 4
, 15. 

** oSa m. (%{uS***}) , burning , combustion Sus3r. ; (%{oSa4}) mfn.
burning , shining RV. x , 119 , 10 ; (%{a4m}) ind. with ardour or
vehemence , eagerly , quickly AV.  

***uS 1 cl. 1. P. (connected with 3. %{vas} q.v.) %{oSati} ,
%{oSAM-cakAra} , and %{uvoSa} (Pa1n2. 3-1 , 38 ; 3. pl. %{USuH} Ka1s3.
on Pa1n2. 6-4 , 78) , %{oSitA} , %{oSiSyati} , %{auSIt} Dha1tup. xvii
, 45: cl. 9. P. (p. %{uSNa4t} RV. ii , 4 , 7) to burn , burn down
(active) RV. AV. S3Br. Mn. iv , 189 S3is3. ; to punish , chastise Mn.
ix , 273: Pass. %{uSyate} , %{oSAM-cakre} , to burn (neuter) Sus3r.
Car. Bhat2t2.  

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