--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > BS I.1.12:
> > 
> > aanandamayo 'bhyaasaat
> > 
> aanandamayaH < aananda + mayaH
> aananda < aa + nanda
> nanda m. joy, happiness, a son (as the chief object of joy);  
> aananda m. happiness , joy , enjoyment , sensual pleasure RV. AV. 
> VS. R. Ragh. &c. ; m. and (%{am}) n. `" pure happiness "' , one of 
> the three attributes of A1tman or Brahman in the Veda1nta 
> Veda1ntas. &c. ; m. (in dram.) the thing wished for , the end of 
> drama [e.g. the VIth Act in the Ven2is.] Sa1h. 399 ; a kind of 
> flute ; the sixteenth Muhu1rta ; N. of S3iva ; of a Lokes3vara 
> (Buddh.) ; of a Bala (Jain.) L. ; of several men ; of a country ; 
> and (%{am}) n. N. of the forty-eighth year of the cycle of 
Jupiter ; 
> aanandamaya mf(%{I})n. blissful , made up or consisting of 
> TUp. Ma1n2d2Up. Veda1ntas. Katha1s. ; (%{am}) n. (scil. %
> the supreme spirit (as consisting of pure happiness cf. %{Ananda} 
> above)

abhyaasaat: ablative singular of the word whose stem is
abhyaasa; in this category of nouns ablative ("from-case")
singular is formed by lengthening the final vowel and
attaching 't' to it.

'abhyaasa' seems to be sandhi for prefix 'abhi' + noun 'aasa'. 

abhi ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns , expressing) to , towards , 
into , over , upon. (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses 
the notion or going towards , approaching , &c. (As a prefix to 
nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority , intensity , 
&c. ; e.g. %{abhi-tAmra} , %{abhi-nava} q.v. (As a separate adverb 
or preposition) it expresses (with acc.) to , towards , in the 
direction of , against ; into S3Br. and Ka1tyS3r. ; for , for the 
sake of ; on account of ; on , upon , with regard to , by , before , 
in front of ; over. It may even express one after the other , 
severally Pa1n2. 1-4 , 91 e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]@abhi} , tree after 

abhyAsa 2 m. the act of adding anything , S3ulb. ; (in Gr.) `" what 
is prefixed "' , the first syllable of a reduplicated radical 
Pa1n2. ; reduplication Nir. ; repetition Mn. xii , 74 , &c. ; (in 
poetry) repetition of the last verse of a stanza [Nir.] or of the 
last word of a chapter [Comm. on AitBr.] ; (in arithm.) 
multiplication ; repeated or permanent exercise , discipline , use , 
habit , custom [77,1] ; repeated reading , study ; military practice 
L. ; *******(in later Veda1nta phil.) inculcation of a truth 
conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or 
the same passage******* ; (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to 
remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva). 

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