jstein wrote: 
> Willytex is a little careless about crediting
> the sources he cuts-and-pastes his posts from.
Stop the lying, Judy, I didn't cut-and-paste nothing. 
The sources are still there, idiot, I copied them so
you could read them again, since you failed to respond 
the first time I posted them for you to read.

"One remarkable instance grew out of Carter's strong 
opposition to the use of force to reverse the Iraqi 
occupation of Kuwait in 1990. Not satisfied with 
issuing a torrent of statements and articles, he 
dispatched a letter to the heads of state of members 
of the United Nations Security Council and several 
other governments urging them to oppose the American 
request for UN authorization of military action."

Read more:

'Our Worst Ex-President'
By Joshua Muravchik
Commentary, February, 2007

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