
> First off in terms of body chemistry people living in tropical 
> near the equator might have their blood go too acid eating meat and 
> drinking liquor which would bring on many health problems.  Hence 
> who did not indulge in these things did better living there and 
> passing on those genes.  OTOH, folks living in northerly climes 
> northern Europe actually survived with "portable" food such as meat 
> the liquor they drank kept them from getting sick as water could be 
> contaminated leading to disease and the alcohol kept away the bad 
> parasites and organisms.  The meat help balance the blood Ph as a 
> vegetarian diet could lead to too alkaline blood leading to other 
> problems.  Again those who were strong passed on those genes.

You've made an interesting biological point.  However, I believe the 
rule about not eating meat has something to do with respect for other 
living beings.  According to adherents of the vedic culture, eating 
meat can bring bad karma for the population, such as the 
preponderence for violence and wars.

The rule against liquours I would guess could be based on the 
knowledge that drugs and alcohol promote the tamas dosha in humans.  
Thus, one cannot reach the higher levels of consciousness if he or 
she is addicted to these.

> As for morality, much of those rules were made up by priest/kings 
> wanted to control the populace, avoid overpopulation (caused big 
> problems during famines).  Sex is a natural hormonal drive and in 
> cases even more powerful than hunger (if you're on a diet when you 
> hungry trying thinking about sex and note how it can push the 
> pangs out of the way).   It's the consequences of excessive sex 
> increases vata that is a problem and in olden times lead to 
> overpopulation due to lack of birth control.

>From what understand, the kings in those olden days were under the 
advisory of a guru or a wise man who was knowlegeable of the vedic 
shastras.  I believe that the intent of the control over sex was 
primarily spiritual by nature.  But the secondary element was to 
raise better people in the population.

> What should be taken from "Vedic Society" is the practice of 
> (yoga -- the real meaning of the term not those exercises meant to 
> one to sit for long periods in conducive meditation poses)  to keep 
> consciousness evolving to higher and clearer states and realize 
what is 
> really going on in the world (something many kings did not want 
> subjects to have as it would give them the ability to see through 
> game).

I agree with you wholeheartedly.


John R.

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