cardemaister wrote: 
> Thanks, but I meant specifically the "TM-versions" 
> of the suutras. 
So, Erik, when are you going to order the book from MUM? 

Maybe you should have taken notes when you got the 
initiation instructions for the upasana from Marshy. 

It's obvious you're not going to get any help from the 
sadhaks here, since obviously none are Sanskrit readers, 
despite their numerous M.B.A.s, Ph.D.s, their TMO status
and despite having lived in Fairfield for decades. Slow 
learners, I guess. 

Go figure.

Maybe the mayor of Vedic City could help you out - he would 
know about this since Sanskrit is the offical language in 
the Global Country of Word Peace. Write him a letter.

Apparently Tony Nader can read Sanskrit and he can speak it 
like it was his mother tongue. Send him an email - I'm sure 
he will respond right away, since he's the director of the 
Open University.

Or, ring up Dr. Katz at Oxford - he may know a thing or 
two about some suutras, since he translated the entire 
Bhagavad Gita into English. Ask for Vernon.

Or why not just contact the Marshy in person - apparently 
he's got a few telephones, FAX machines, and Blackberrys
at his disposal (maybe even a two-way wrist radio). 

Let me know what kind of response you get.

P.S. It might help to get some Sanskrit flash cards and 
learn the Sanskrit alphabet with the vowels and the 
consonants too.

Available from MUM Press: 

'Yoga Sutras of Patanjali'
Sanskrit and Devangiri

Other titles of interest:

'Learn Sanskrit In 30 Days'
By Vidavisarada

21st Century Books
108 W. Broadway, Suite 100
Fairfield, Iowa 52556 U.S.A.

> Anyone know, where one could find the Sanskrit
> versions of the TM-Sidhi suutras?

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