You feel like a Schrödinger's cat..??
        Rick says that reconciling the Positives and Negatives of TM-org, MMY 
is an interesting challenge.  Rick obviously admits that are positives in TM 
and MMY..!!
        Maharishi is a Quantum entity and so, perhaps you can't pass a 'Black 
and White' judgement on him..??
        Paradox of the blazing Brahman..??
  shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 13:42:45 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My response to a friend's suggestion that we 
engage in a discussion about the movement

  Their mistake, obviously, was not putting gold paint on the edges of 
the books they published.
  Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 08:02:37 -0500
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: My response to a friend's suggestion that we 
engage in a discussion about the movement

  WhatÂ’s with this journal obsession? I have no problem with the research. It 
shows TM is effective and many ways. I donÂ’t dispute that. What I do is take 
ALL available information, throw it in the pot, and try to make a palatable 
stew of it. The more controversial things I have come to believe, based on 
evidence I find credible, do not negate the many positive things about TM, MMY, 
etc. For me, reconciling them just presents an interesting challenge.
TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 10:58:49 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My response to a friend's suggestion that we 
engage in a discussion about the movement
  well said, Rick. As it turns out, I had a similar
conversation with a former Rama student recently. 
Like your friend, this gal was trying to "save" me
from my backsliding ways and "help me" return to a
"proper and correct" understanding of who and what
Rama (Frederick Lenz) was.

I tolerated it for a few moments, making jokes the
whole time, trying to get her to lighten up. But
lightening up just wasn't in the picture, because
she had decided that I really needed to be "saved,"
and that she was just the one to do the "saving."

So finally I said to her, " is where I'm
at with regard to any of this. Anything I think or
believe about Rama is just a theory, and one that I
am not particularly attached to. I am willing to 
state at any time that I could be completely WRONG
in my ideas about who and what he was. Can you say
that about YOUR beliefs about him?"

She hemmed and hawed and dodged the question for 
some minutes, but I kept repeating it, saying that
if we were to have any kind of meaningful discussion,
we should start off on the same footing, both of us
with ideas about the man we were discussing, but both
of us willing to admit that these ideas might be 
WRONG. She kept dodging. I kept repeating the ques-
tion. Finally she flew into a purple-faced rage,
yelled at me for a few minutes, and stormed off, 
hopefully never to darken my door again.

The thing is, she was UNABLE to say the words, "I might
be wrong." She couldn't get them out of her mouth. To 
do so would have opened a Pandora's Box for her that
she wanted no part of. Her faith was based on the abso-
lute *certainty* that she was right, and she could not,
even for a moment, admit even the *possibility* that she
might be wrong.

I kinda suspect that the friend who wanted to "help you"
would have reacted the same way...

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