On May 24, 2007, at 8:13 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

That is good off_world, assuming the placing of TM peer-review is
peerless or that brainwaves & such measures an enlightenment as such.

Of course an irony in is that the glossy brainwave charts that were
held up, posted up, & used (touted)for so long to demonstrate something about the 'TM'sidhis was taken from advanced buddhist practitioners who
had come to MIU for courses and learned the TM-Siddhis.

Quieting the mind with TM is one thing possibly. Where is the chart
that shows the light of the Purusha resident in the heart, body & mind
complex of the human experience? Enlightenment may just be more than
about charts of galvanic skin resistance and the mind transcending.
Could the TM-fundies consider that? They are kind of entrenched and
dull on that.

I am glad you are here taking up their cause, like a public defender of
the faithful.

In real samadhi, there are actually profound changes to the physiology which are of great interest to scientists--it's just that these types of markers have yet to appear in TMers. So they exaggerate and try to make mountains out of the molehills they have. TM is scientifically almost identical the EEG patterns of people napping or in some phase of the waking-sleep cycle. TM/TMSP EEG coherence is very, very little difference also from these same coherence patterns. What they don't tell you is that a certain amount of coherence is natural and necessary for normal functioning. Tm varies only a hair from this norm. Most neurosceintists would consider it insignificant. Meditators truly in samadhi actually show *profound*, high-amplitude coherence as if the brain were acting like a hyper-neuron network.

Those of you in Fairfield who practice the TMSP might want to check out the upcoming lecture on kundalini by Saraswati line-holder Joan Harrigan if you want to find out what the TMSP *really* does to the physiology.

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