--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 23, 2007, at 9:37 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
> > Below is the Anti-TM Fundies' Dilemma that drives them crazy, so 
> > ignore it and go off making crappy jokes to each other, or 
> > the subject to Cajun Cooking Tips or some other nonsense:
> >
> > There will never come a time when Science (research published in 
> > reviewed scientific journals) will be superceded by New
> > Age self-agrandizing dribble. This is the reality of life. This 
> > the modern world. You need to accept this new realization to 
> > liberated .
> If this is indeed the case (I suspect it is not) then you should  
> expect to see TM and the TMSP fade from view.
> Recent scientific studies on meditation show the results of  
> meditators in actual samadhi and show a profound level of gamma  
> coherence, one of the primary markers for samadhi. These same 
> are not present in TM. Also deep meditators show a market decrease 
> metabolic rate 5-6 times deeper than relaxation techniques like TM.
> It could just be that legitimate science will make inferior 
methods a  
> thing of the past as spiritual consumers actually choose methods  
> which really do work.>>

Great. I'm all for it !

 If something comes along and gets much better and more verified 
published results than TM, and can produce better health benifits 
long-term, and can show how it helps schoolchildren as good or 
better than TM, then I am all for it.

As it stands right now, the US National Institutes for Health have 
given over 20 million dollars in research grant money to research TM 
based on previous studies efficacy, a non-meditating judge in 
Missouri is trying to study the effects of TM to have it intordueced 
as a court option, research is ongoing on TM in at least 5 major US 
state universities, and there are over 200 studies published in peer-
reviewed scientific journals worldwide on TM and TM-Sidhis.

For a different meditation there are maybe one or two studies, and 
very little interest by serious scientific or other bodies. It will 
take 30 years for any other meditation to reach the level TM is at, 
so good luck to them. I am all for it and if something shows 
efficacy, it should be studied further, not ignored. Problem with 
the Buddhist study you spoke of is the EEG showed intense effort, 
whereas TM shows effortlessness.

But maybe 30 years from now something with even better results than 
TM will have become as broadly established....but what a waste of 
time waiting for it.


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