Blacks "Gored" By a Lie: Al Gore Sr., the GOP and the Civil Rights 
Act of 1964

By R.D. Davis

A New Visions Commentary paper published May 1999 by The National 
Center for Public Policy Research. Reprints permitted provided source 
is credited.

It is easy to control the minds of a people. All one has to do is 
change history by lying about the past. This is exactly what has 
happened with the legacy of former Democratic U.S. Senator Al Gore, 
Sr. of Tennessee - the father of our current vice president - and his 
mythical "support" of civil rights.

In a recent speech to the NAACP, Vice President Gore said his father 
lost his Senate seat because he supported civil rights legislation. 
Fellow black Americans, let me set history straight. Al Gore, Sr., 
together with the rest of the southern Democrats, voted against the 
Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Congressional Quarterly reported that, in the House of 
Representatives, 61% of Democrats (152 for, 96 against) voted for the 
Civil Rights Act as opposed to 80% of Republicans (138 for, 38 
against). In the Senate, 69% of Democrats (46 for, 21 against) voted 
for the Act while 82% of Republicans did (27 for, 6 against). All 
southern Democrats voted against the Act.

In his remarks upon signing the Civil Rights Act, President Lyndon 
Johnson praised Republicans for their "overwhelming majority." He did 
not offer similar praise to his own Democratic Party. Moreover, 
Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, an Illinois Republican, 
collaborated with the White House and the Senate leadership of both 
parties to draft acceptable compromise amendments to end the southern 
Democrats' filibuster of the Act. It was Dirksen who often took to 
the Senate floor to declare, "This is an idea whose time has come. It 
will not be denied." Dirksen's greatest triumph earned him the 
Leadership Conference of Civil Rights Award, presented by then-NAACP 
Chairman Roy Wilkins, for his remarkable civil rights leadership.

Inform yourself, so you can learn for yourself about this important 
historical event. All official records about the Civil Rights Act can 
be found in the June 1964 issues of Congressional Quarterly.

Al Gore, Sr. did not stop at simply voting against the Civil Rights 
Act of 1964. In addition, Congressional Quarterly reported that Gore 
attempted to send the Act to the Senate Judiciary Committee with an 
amendment to say "in defiance of a court desegregation order, federal 
funds could not be held from any school districts." Gore sought to 
take the teeth out of the Act in the event it passed.

Ostensibly, Senator Gore was "elated" at the idea of young Al, Jr. 
going to school with black children. In reality, however, the future 
vice president attended an elite private school.

In the end, the Gore Amendment was defeated by a vote of 74-25. 
Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, one of President Bill 
Clinton's political mentors, was among the 23 southern Democratic 
senators and only one Republican voting with Gore for this racist 

Republican Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona voted against the Civil 
Rights Act because he was afraid the nation would be transformed into 
a "police state" as a result of some of its provisions. He did not 
want to throw out the proverbial "baby with the bath water." History, 
of course, labeled Goldwater a racist even though he voted against 
the Gore Amendment - an amendment devised to continue school 
segregation. If anyone in the Senate should be tagged as a racist, it 
should be those voting for the Gore Amendment. Why didn't history 
record Al Gore, Sr. and the other southern Democrats as racists?

At least civil rights activist Andrew Young was forthcoming about 
this oversight in his book An Easy Burden. Young wrote, "The southern 
segregationists were all Democrats, and it was black Republicans... 
who could effectively influence the appointment of federal judges in 
the South." Young noted that the best civil rights judges were 
Republicans appointed by President Dwight Eisenhower. Young 
admitted, "These judges are among the many unsung heroes of the civil 
rights movement."

History tends to unilaterally and falsely depict Republicans as 
racists when southern Democrats truly deserved this title. We now 
have southern Democrats as both President and Vice President. That 
would never be the case without the power of the lie and the liberal 
news media to alter people's impressions.

Lies can enslave men, but the truth shall set them free. I challenge 
you, the reader, to take the time to research the facts about our 
past in publications like Congressional Quarterly and An Easy Burden. 
Once you educate yourself, you can no longer be deceived by the 
fabulists. No longer will you be "gored" by a lie.


(R.D. Davis is a member of Project 21 and a writer and radio talk 
show host in Huntsville, Alabama. He can be reached at 

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