On May 29, 2007, at 3:52 PM, qntmpkt wrote:

---So, you're saying that this Rinpoche Dildo of yours recommends
just being "open" and no practices at all?

No, not at all.

Interesting viewpoint!.

If you understood the citation, yes.

I'll stick with TM, thanks.


As to the other Gurus, I've tasted their offerings and crossed them
off my list, including Muktananda.

I didn't like Gurumayi that much, but I found her absolutely, stunningly gorgeous.

I later got to hang with the other successor, Nityananda and his advaita guru and they were really down to earth. Nityananda was flat open honest about these huge ashram-hotel complexes they had inherited from Baba: he said they were counterproductive to any sort of life separate from worry over an empire of sadhana sales.

Norbu Rinpoche only has
the "Dance of the Vajra".


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