I stand by everything you said.  It was a contest between Islam and 
Christendom as to who's
god was great and how much  violence they could visit upon each other. The 
crusades, the 
ottoman empire, etc. Now it  seems it's a holy triumvirate. Jews defend 
themselves by  bombing
Arabs, Christians kick the crap  out of Arab countries, Arabs kill each 
other, Christians kill
Each other, Jews kill Arabs,  Arabs kill Jews............Huh.
I wonder if Arabs, Christians  and Jews care whether the rest of us want to 
be in their
Drama? Who the hell, using the  term very loosely, do you people thin you 
are? I'm not
kidding here. Every single one  of you think you have the God given right to 
do whatever
Awful shit that makes a point  that day, or year, or month. If you want to 
have a religious
pissing match, could the three  groups please have the courtesy to pick one 
continent and
Go destroy yourselves? And while  you, the big three, are doing that, the 
rest of us will
Try to find better ways to live.  Like living without oil. And a big ass 
military. and since
a lot of people will be off  having a "religious" experience, we might have 
good health  care
and fewer of us will have  sleepless nights. We might even come up with 
bedtime stories
For our children that don't have  trolls under bridges or a prayer that 
includes a sentence:
"...And if I die before I wake,  I pray the lord my soul to take." 
Yawed, yeti, Allah Look where  they have brought mankind. Or are they a 
single entity.
And if it is all one God, is  this a test? Are you going to kill each other 
off or have you  All
Missed the point?

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