--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > Peter:
> > Jesus Christ! Here we go again..... 
> > 
> > Judy:
> > F**k off, Peter. If somebody grossly misrepresented what you had 
> > and then called you a liar for saying it, I don't imagine you'd 
> it 
> > go by.
> > 
> > She, they, just don't get it.  It's an addiction, clothed in
> > moral indignance that their integrity has been violated, and
> > that it must be restored. God Save the Queen.  What they don't 
> > realize, and likely, will never realize is that NO ONE CARES.
> Another thought here: How can you possibly "not
> care" that there are several people on this forum
> who *routinely and deliberately* tell falsehoods?
> This makes no sense to me. If you don't care about
> dishonesty, what *can* you care about? Dishonesty
> underlies so many of the evils of this world. How
> can you just *ignore* it when it's right under your
> nose?
> Why didn't a dozen people jump on Shemp when he
> claimed Al Gore's father was a segregationist?

It's because even YOU admit that he voted against the Civil Rights 
Act.  When people read that they think: Okay, that technically 
doesn't mean he's an actual segregationist, but until I have more 
information, HE'S SUSPECT!

Then, perhaps, they read on and discover that after being in Congress 
and the Senate for several decades Gore lost his bid for reelection 
SEGREGATION.  What does that say about his previous 30 years 
representing a Dixiecrat state?

Do you think that someone could be reelected from a southern state 
during this tumultuous time period in race relations because he was 
AGAINST segregation????

Or perhaps they read anecdotes about his personal life -- recounted 
by Al Junior's Black Nanny -- that Senior and family frequented 
segregated restaurants?

Your adamant insistence on such an issue, Judy, is why people do NOT 
regularly defend you on a regular basis.

> How
> can you "not care" about an honorable public
> servant, no longer around to defend himself, being
> slandered in public with the aim of denigrating his
> son, the leader in the fight against global warming?

It is because the ONLY reason Al Gore ever got elected in the first 
place as a senator from Tennessee was that it was his father's old 
Senate seat, just like Bush got his political success because of HIS 
father.  So it is fair game.

And it is fair game to try and understand the motivations behind why 
such an apparently intelligent person resorts to the worst kind of 
fear-mongering and I attempted to posit an explanation by examining 
where he got his fear-mongering from.

> If Al Gore Sr. were still alive and happened to be
> a participant here, if he spoke up to defend himself,
> apparently you'd be happy to dump on him as you do
> me.

Would it not be a fair question to ask him why he voted against the 
Civil Rights Act?

> We have Bush in office today, rather than Gore,
> because of rampant dishonesty; we're losing our
> young men and women in Iraq, and killing hundreds
> of thousands of innocent Iraqis, because of rampant
> dishonesty, because that dishonesty was *tolerated*,
> because too many people didn't care about it.
> How can you not be against dishonesty wherever you
> find it?
> I truly don't understand that kind of thinking.
> Resistance to dishonesty should be a *reflex*, an
> instinct. It *should* be an addiction.

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