> > > This is directly opposite of every published account 
> > > I have read by the principles involved.  
> > >
> > Maybe so, but I don't recall the Marshy having written 
> > anything about the Beatles. Can you be a little more 
> > specific, Curtis? In which of Marshy's books, exactly, 
> > did you read anything that the Marshy wrote about the 
> > Beatles?
> >
Curtis wrote:
> So you decided to fill in his side from your imagination?
No, that would be you and the others that decided to fill
in their side from their imagination. Apparently you can't
cite a single published reference to make your point. What,
exactly, is your point, Curtis?

> All your references below just prove the point that the 
> only accounts we have do not support your claims that 
> MMY threw out the Beatles for smoking dope, he was 
> distraught that his tickets to fame walked out on him.
Use your head, Curtis, and try to apply some logic. If
you have ever been on TTC you would know that Marshy runs
a very tight ship - no drugs, no illicit sexual activity.

You have posted zero evidence that this policy was any
different on the Rishikesh TTC. However, according to 
Nancy, who was there, everyone, including Cynthia Lennon
was upset about the living arrangements. Paul slept with
Jane, but John refused to sleep with Cynthia. That's
perverse, when you consider that John was at the same 
time smoking dope and writing love letters to Yoko Ono. 

> Your Mia story is the opposite of her account, and 
> unless MMY gives us his deathbed confession, we only 
> have her side.  
That pretty much proves my point, not yours. Mia said 
nothing in her book about having sexual relations with 
Marshy. But she had a lot to say about her relations 
with Frank and Woody, both of which you've got to admit, 
was perverse. None of the Beatles have said or written 
anything that would cause me to reconsider my 

Can you cite a single published source by anyone, in a 
book, or in the press, that would establish any 
kind of evidence that Marshy had sexual relations with 
anyone? If not, then maybe you should just keep your 
pie hole shut about other people's private sex life.
> You don't have to believe their accounts.
Have any of the Beetles or Mia written anything about 
Marshy having sexual relations with female students? I
think not. Have you ever read anything by anyone where
these accusations could be substantiated? Again, I think 
not. So, apparently it's your imagination that has run 
wild, not mine.

> I don't care if you do or not. But misquoting books 
> that we have all read is a weird game Richard.
I have not misquoted Nancy's book - I posted an excerpt 
directly taken from it and I quoted the Times of India 
an exact quote by Deepak Chopra. You have quoted zero
sources - none, zip, nada.

> If you want to believe that MMY is the first super 
> rich famous guy to NOT use his power and influence 
> to get laid, go for it.
Well, if true, then why did you and the others recruit 
the female students in the first place? Don't you think 
you at least owe those poor students an explanation, 
if not an apology, or maybe you could refund their 
money. What's up with that? Are you saying that you never
recruited for the Marshy? I thought you claimed some kind 
of TMO status.

> But the statements you made went beyond that, it 
> was a complete fabrication. What's the point?
It has not been established that Albert Goldman made 
up anything about John Lennon. You are supposed to read 
the book BEFORE you make your comments, Curtis.

> > 'The Lives of John Lennon'
> > by Albert Goldman
> > Morrow, 1988 
> >
> For me, none of this is more than fun celeb gossip.
So, you're saying that discussing the Marshy's private 
sex life is fun for you. Is that perverse, or what?

> I really don't care if MMY banged chicks, I care that 
> he is wrong in his understanding of human consciousness.
> He could have banged all the chicks in the world and 
> never gotten a peep out of me if he actually knew what 
> he was talking about.
So, it's Marshy's metaphysics that you're concerned about, 
not his morality, or lack thereof. If, so then why are you 
responding to this thread? Why not just start your own
thread and entitle it "Marshy's Mechanics of Conciousness"?

> > > Where did you read this?
> > > 
> > We have a perfectly good account of the time the Beatles 
> > spent in India with Marshy and the complete Mia episode. 
> > Nancy Cooke de Herrerra, who was there, details this 
> > event in her book. According to Nancy, Marshy did not 
> > approve of Paul McCartney sleeping with Jane Asher at 
> > Rishikesh TTC and he asked them to leave if they couldn't 
> > abide by the ashram rules. It was just embarassing to
> > have them carrying on in front of the visiting Sadhus.
> > 
> > 'Beyond Gurus'
> > by Nancy Cooke De Herrera
> > Blue Dolphin Publishing, 1992
> > 
> > We also have Mia Farrow's book in which she provides an 
> > account of her meeting with Marshy in the cave. In that 
> > book she also tells about her relationship with Frank 
> > and Woody, not a pleasant read. It's obvious after 
> > reading her book that the girl was obsessed with having
> > sex with famous people.
> > 
> > 'What Falls Away'
> > by Mia Farrow
> > Doubleday & Co., 1997
> > 
> > And we have the book by Cynthia Lennon and the biography 
> > of John Lennon by Albert Goldman. Both seem to agree that 
> > John Lennon was not an agreeable fellow, who was addicted 
> > to all kinds of drugs, refused to sleep with his own wife, 
> > got Yoko in through the bathroom window, and then 
> > abandoned his own son. Go figure. 
> > 
> > 'A Twist of Lennon'
> > by Cynthia Lennon
> > Avon Books, 1980
> > 
> > In addition, we have the published remarks of Deepak Chopra, 
> > who has said that the Marshy was very unhappy about the 
> > Beatles sneaking all that dope into the Rishikesh TTC.
> > 
> > 'When Maharishi threw Beatles out'
> > The Times of India, Wednesday, February 15, 2006
> > http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1415230.cms
> >

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