> And came back. 
If so, I wonder why Marshy would have come back to 
the Upper Kashi from Madanapalle.

And, I wonder how Marshy's Aunt got to the Upper 
Kashi to talk to Marshy about the trip to Madanapalle? 

And, this brings up another issue. If Marshy was 
at the Upper Kashi and observing "silence" how did 
he communicate with his Aunt? Using sign language?

Did they have telephones in 1954 at the Upper Kashi?

Maybe she called him on his cell phone or maybe she
sent Satyanand or Uncle Raj up to see him. If so, that
would really be a long walk for Uncle Raj. The Aunt 
could have probaly walked herself to Madanapalle by
the time Uncle got up there to the Upper Kashi!

And, why wouldn't her husband, Uncle Raj, have taken
Marshy's Aunt down to Madanapalle? I wonder what's up 
with that? Come to think of it, why would the Marshy
have gone up to the Upper Kashi in the first place if 
his Aunt wasn't well.

And how would the Aunt have known Marshy was even up
at the Utter Kashi?  

Does anyone know what happened to the Aunt? I didn't 
even think that the Marshy had any Aunts that he was 
on speaking terms with. Was it Aunt Varma or was it
Aunt Srivastava? Did the Aunt practice TM? And I 
wonder if the Aunt availed herself of Maharishi's
Ayer-Veda. What, exactly, ailed the Aunt?

So far as I can tell, the story about his Aunt is 
probably just a story. I can't recall Marshy having 
mentioned this and I've spent hours listening to 
him and reading his books and watching his videos. 
Apparently Uncle Raj didn't mention an Aunt at the 
Upper Kashi when he was in Canada at the TM Center. 
I wonder why not?

The only person that I know of that mentions his 
Aunt is Dr. Coplin. The Aunt isn't mentioned by 
Robert Hollings in his book 'Transcendental 
Meditation', a book which I presume was approved 
for publication by the TMO since it was once 
available from the MUM Bookstore.

Work Cited:

'Transcendental Meditation'
An Introduction to the practice and aims of TM
by Robert Hollings
The Aquarian Press, 1982
ISBN 0-85030-240-4
p. 82 - 83

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