A 5,000-year-old tradition rooted in meditation might not seem the obvious 
leisure activity for Hong Kong's high-octane big-spending population, but in 
the past five years yoga has taken the city by storm.Local company Pure Yoga 
last year opened what it believes is the world's biggest yoga studio, and the 
city has just hosted Asia's largest yoga conference, a four-day extravaganza 
with classes on everything from Thai massage to Sanskrit and a huge array of 
yoga equipment on sale.Just a few years ago yoga in Hong Kong was the preserve 
of a handful of small independent studios owned and run by instructors with 
little business acumen.Now it is part of the mainstream, dominated by chains 
such as Pure Yoga and Yoga Planet, run by the flamboyant Indian yogi Master 
Kamal whose media appearances have turned him into something of a local 
celebrity.For American yoga instructor Desiree Rumbaugh, a guest teacher at the 
weekend's Evolution Asia conference, it is the fast pace of life
 in Hong Kong that has made yoga such a hit."It's amazing, it's like 10 times 
the stress of New York," she says. "The city has such a buzz to it. And people 
here are really committed, they are going to classes three or four times a 
week."Colin Grant, founder of Pure Yoga and the man behind Evolution Asia, 
estimates around two percent of Hong Kong's six million people now practise 
yoga regularly, a renaissance he attributes to the new style of studio."When we 
first opened I didn't have a yogi head, I had a business head, so I applied 
what I thought would be good business sense to a yoga studio," he said.
  "We offered complimentary towels, we supplied mats and we had lockers. So 
someone working in a regular office could rock up and do a class and not have 
to drag a big bag into work."We made a million-dollar investment in our first 
studio and everyone thought we were mad. But it changed the model and within a 
month we had 450 people a day coming to classes, most of whom had never done a 
class in their lives."For Hong Kong's image-conscious residents, yoga's 
new-found popularity also goes hand-in-hand with the availability of 
fashionable gear.High-profile devotees such as Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and 
Sting have helped make the practice trendy, and even Louis Vuitton has its own 
yoga line.
  Yoga mats, bags and clothes are big business for major brands such as Adidas 
and Nike, but even dedicated labels like the Vancouver-based Lululemon are now 
multi-million dollar concerns.Lululemon had revenues of nearly 150 million 
dollars last year, and in May announced plans for a stock market float to fund 
expansion.Yoga is now estimated to generate about 18 billion dollars annually 
worldwide.The increasing involvement of mainstream brands keen to cash in on 
yoga's popularity, combined with the growing perception of it as a way of 
keeping fit, has led to concern that the true meaning behind the ancient 
discipline is being lost.Conference-goer Elke Shuettler, a Hong Kong resident 
who began learning yoga in her native Germany, said there was a danger people 
learning now could miss out on the spiritual and mental benefits."Yoga is much 
more than gymnastics," she said. "It is very important that there is more to it 
than the physical side."Grant conceded there were concerns,
 particularly over a new breed of classes claiming to combine the discipline 
with such un-yogic activities as kick-boxing.But he said commercialisation 
would not necessarily harm yoga."We're not going to be offering 
fusion-combat-yoga, I can tell you that. But if people like it -- no problem," 
he said. "It's what you make it. If I want to do a power class and have a good 
workout or do a deep meditation class, neither is more yogic or less 
yogic."Conference director Paveena Atipatha believes that while yoga's 
popularity has probably peaked in the United States, Asia offers considerable 
growth opportunities.
  "In the US yoga is now a 3.5-billion-dollar industry. But Asia is where the 
US was five or even 10 years ago," she said.Yoga is already popular in Japan 
and growing rapidly in Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines and Korea. 
Studio operators are now looking to China?s growing middle class as the next 
major opportunity."Hong Kong is probably one of the more mature markets," said 
Grant. "Quite a lot of our students have gone to China and set up studios 
there. It?s at the very early stages in China but we?re looking at 
opportunities there."

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