--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Like Chogyam Trungpa before
> him, Sogyal Rinpoche seems to be capable of being
> very human while writing some of the best Buddhist
> teachings going. His "The Tibetan Book of Living
> and Dying" is an absolute classic. Go figure.

That book was largely edited by Andrew Harvey, who is a very good
writer himself. Andrew to me once complained (when we still were
close) that Sogyal didn't properly attribute the editing to him in the
book, while he did the most work, making the book out of his lectures,
but just mentioned him, while making his disciple the main editor. I
do think that some good writing craft is part of the success of the
book, and that needed more than just a good disciple editor.

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