--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guru Dev Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was a renunciate in Adi-Shankara's
> monastic order - known as dashanami sampradaya. The name "sampradaya
> dasha-nami" means "lineage of ten names", each name refering to a
> specific designation.  Paramahansa Yogananda's guru, Sri Yukteshvar was
> a dashanami with the sannyasa name - Swami Yukteshvara Giri ("giri"
> means mountain). The 1930's guru Swami Shivananda of Rishikesh was a
> Saraswati (meaning both river and goddess) as is Swami Satchitananda. 
> Based upon my recollection, the Saraswati lineage is only open to
> never-married Brahmins.  Other castes must use one of the other
> designations.
> Dashanami sannyasins (swami-s) have formally renouced the world
> (including family ties) during their invesiture with cloth, name, pot
> and somtimes staff. This rite has to be performed by another dashanamin
> (usually one's own dashanami guru). This formal rite usually includes
> diksha of one of the Mahavakya-s (great utterances) from one of the 12
> Upanishads commented upon by Shankara. This clarifying statement about
> the nature of reality is then used by the new swami as the contemplative
> and meditative focus of practice. Tat-tvam-asi (That you are) is the
> most well known mahavakya.
> Because of their intense renunciation and unbroken contemplative
> discernment, Swami sannyasins are considered to already be thoroughly
> burned in the fire of tapasya (spiritual ascesis). Therefore their
> bodies are not consumed in a fureral fire but are usually buried or
> interned in a stone monument called a "samadhi".
> Guru Dev chose internment in a stone coffin and submergence in the
> Ganges. It was his way to demonstrate to devotees that he was gone
> beyond and that there was nothing they could hold. The changing (nitya)
> and unchanging (anitya) are considered incommesurate and this is the
> focus of their teachings to others.

Thanks again.

> empty
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks if you have an answer.
> >

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