--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure it was 30,000 people, more like 1,000,
> at least from what I found on the Web.
> In any case, her findings were quite striking in
> a number of respects. She had apparently set out to
> *disprove* reincarnation, but the results convinced
> her it was a real phenomenon.
> > 
> At some point it becomes more difficult to
> *explain away* results like hers than to simply
> accept that reincarnation is a reality.

Yes. Thanks for the clarification on numbers. I read those numbers in 
someone's account of her research about seven or eight years ago. It 
could be an error in the critic's account of her work or just a 
confusion in my memory - although that large number was one of the 
data that pulled at my attention when first hearing about it. Perhaps 
it was just an ordinary fuzzy memory, like my recall of her name.

When your old, toothless and tettering like me - help me booduh gay-
reb dora-jay - (provided for Vaj) then remembering anything is like a 
convincing proof that the cause of this moment is the preceding 
moment. Notice I said like. Like my 18 year old daughter would say. 

Again thanks for the clarification.


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