Vaj, I've never heard how Maharishi received (or appropriated) 
the "Yogi" suffix, but do you believe that it is only correctly 
accorded a Hatha Yogi? Certainly, Guru Dev was spoken of as a Siddha 
Yogi although no account I've read says anything about whether he did 
or did not do Hatha Yoga.

And if memory serves, Cenkner's Ph.D. thesis on the development of 
the SRM mentions that at Guru Dev's ashrams meditation and pranayama 
was emphasized/practiced more than asanas.  If so, then Maharishi's 
own lack of expertise might be why he enlisted the help of a more 
formal practitioner.



--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 12, 2007, at 4:24 PM, boo_lives wrote:
> > --- In, t3rinity <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> 
> > > >
> > > > --- In, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> > > > <snip>
> > > > > What I was getting from Ron and Swami G's comments was 
> > since
> > > > > Mahesh could not be initiated as a swami--as Sw. G sees it 
> > > > > her direct experience being in that living tradition
> > > >
> > > > Au contraire, she claimed (incorrectly) that he
> > > > *could* have been:
> > > >
> > > > "He may claim to be a part of these traditions but no way
> > > > is he initiated into it. And once again let it be reminded
> > > > that the Math in the North is that of Giri. He most certainly
> > > > could have become an full initiate."
> > > >
> > > > This was quoted in the post to which you were
> > > > replying, Vaj. Wonder how you missed it and
> > > > decided she had said exactly the opposite?
> > > >
> > > > > --he would not be
> > > > > able to be initiated into the secrets of the tradition.
> > > >
> > > > > Nonetheless he acts as if he was initated by SBS into the
> > > > > tradition.
> > > >
> > > > In your *opinion* that is how he acts. But has
> > > > he ever actually made the claim?
> > > >
> > > > > If he didn't
> > > > > have the inside scoop on the tradition, he couldn't teach it
> > > > > nor could he be a line-holder. Therefore the story that TM
> > > > > was received from SBS is patently false. This is not to say
> > > > > that Mahesh or the TMO has not him-hawed around how and 
> > > > > TM came from: one hears different stories as to specifics.
> > > >
> > > > But not from MMY himself.
> > > >
> > > > But essentially one is left to
> > > > > conclude it's not a lineal transmission and there's some 
> > > > > telling going on from Mr. Varma.
> > > >
> > > > Such as?
> > > >
> > > > > I should further add that the appellation "yogi" added
> > > > > to his name is also claimed to be false by one of his
> > > > > guru-bhais.
> > > >
> > > > This anonymous person claims MMY is not a practitioner
> > > > of yoga?
> > > >
> > > As she also mentioned the Naga Baba traditions - which are later
> > > affiliates of the Dasanami and indicated she is part of it:
> > >
> > > The contact i had to the Avahan Akhada,where also giving 
> > diksha
> > > to ordinary western women who didn't even ask for it. my 
friend, an
> > > israeli woman said she received quite a long mantra, unasked, 
by a
> > > mahant of the Avahan Akhada, after she spend coniderable time 
in his
> > > vicinty. They are really trying o initiate people into their 
> > > that is making you a sannyasi. In Ujjain there where at least 
> > > western sadhus alne with the Juna Akhada. But my point is 
> > Okay,
> > > I admit that there are certain initiations that are kept 
> > which
> > > in a sannyasi tradition you will get only after you are fully
> > > intitiated, that is, you are a sadhu. But for me a great master 
> > > shape the subtle body of a disciple by mere proximity. I have
> > > experienced this myself. If a master is great, he can simply 
give a
> > > transmission without words, if he feels a student is deserving. 
> > > wouldn't break a vow in this. While there are words only to be 
> > > for certain iniiates, this doesn't mean that the essence of that
> > > wisdom of a master couldn't be transmitted through other means,
> > > especially if this student has shown great dedication. Just 
> > > poor student Mahesh running around in the Ashram for GD, 
> > > doing everything, organizing the procession for him at the 
Kumbh and
> > > all other places, but when it comes to the high teaching, Guru 
> > > would have to say - according to Swami Ganga: Sorry not for 
you, you
> > > are a mere Brahmachari, and you will always be in this order. Of
> > > course if MMY would have been intent of becoming a Swami, he 
> > > have simply done the next best thing and leave GD, run off at 
> > > kumbh or in Haridwar to any other sadhu and ask for initiation 
> > > there wouldn't have been a problem, just like Swami G. did, or 
> > > any one of us could do with success if you are o willing. But he
> > > didn't do it because GD was his master, and he was completely
> > > dedicated to him, served him for 13 years etc. So you think GD 
> > > dumped him, saying: you are not a Brahmin, you are only a  
> > Brahmachari?
> > > I find this logic ridiculous and even arrogant.
> > >
> > Who said anything about GD "dumping" MMY. Why is it impossible to
> > have a rational discussion with a tmo devotee??? There's a world 
> > difference between the assertion that mmy is not the formal 
> > to GD's tradition and saying GD dumped him.
> I certainly did not say that, nor did I mean to imply it. GD was 
> to be harsh of M. but never would have shunned such a devoted 
> The person who said that M. was not a yogi was actually one of the  
> Shankaracharyas IIRC.
> I would think common sense could also make this clear. If M. was a  
> yogi, he could have easily written a brilliant book or even better 
> course with his sharp intellect. But this is clearly not the case.  
> Instead they found a HS gym teacher to do so and those formed the  
> sets used for rounding. I'm sure many here have the booklets 
> now circulate in PDF form).

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